Hello everyone! I am here to announce that i'll be giving away 2 free BYOND Memberships once my $30 funds tranfer from my bank account to my paypal account. The way i'm going to give out the 1'st one is by hosting a BYOND game and letting people join it and have them enter their key into a drawing box(list of keys). after a certain ammount of time I will then have a key selected randomly out of the list, the key chosen will be awarded with their very own BYOND Membership! I'm still deciding on how I am going to give out the 2'nd one, who knows, maybe i'll draw a second key out of the list ;). I am going to make sure no one uses multiple keys through ip checking, if you and your brother/or sister have the same ip then talk to me about it, if I know either of you or you're able to back up then i'll add your key to the list manually. I'll be posting another message on the forum soon before the drawing begins, i'll probably keep the drawing box open for an hour. I would say post your keys here but then there would be spam everwhere in this forum. If there is a specific time you'd like this drawig to be held, please post here(use BYOND Standard Time -- it can be found at the top of the BYOND developer page(
Why don't we just list our keys here and you write them on a peice of paper and then draw them from a hat? I think that would be easier. And time wouldn't have to matter. Just give everyone like a week to enter their key.

So I officially submit my key. :D
In response to Nyck
Yeah, I like that idea. Or just take everyones name and put them into a program, and have it randomly select 1 or 2. If it's gonna work like this, consider me signedup.

Digi Jr.
In response to Digital Jr
Me too..I want a membership badly. Even a small chance of getting one is worth it.
You should insert it into a game so you can run an ip check during submittion. So theres no double entries.
In response to Atri
Also, do a background check to make sure they don't own another membership. Like me or Hell Ramen. =)
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
I dont think I could go...I've wanted a membership for quite sometime but fight now I have no means of raising the money. Is there a way we can be entered without logging in, like I could ask you to add me :P
In response to Nyck
I submit my key too :)
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Aye, add me to :).

In response to XzDoG
Thanks for that idea, i'll get right on that. I won't be abel to tell what there other keys are though :\. I'll make it log their ip and first key they join with. If they want to change it they'll have to talk to me.
In response to Nyck
All right, I won't have you submit your keys here or else this forum will get spammed, i'll see if I can find someone to host a thing for people to submit their keys, then when the money from my bank account finishes transfering to my paypal account(a few days) i'll draw a key, it will be hosted during the drawing for anyone to watch.).
In response to XzDoG
But Hell Ramen does have an account. :p
In response to Popisfizzy
What? Who? Where!?
In response to Hell Ramen
Don't you see it, right there, on your face. ITS ABOUT TO BITE!!!

*runs screaming like a little girl*

Just make sure to let everyone know when it is a little bit in advance so they all see the post and know when to attend.
In response to TomEvil
I'll actualy get something hosted really soon so people can submit their keys, I am just finishign up the saving of a list into a text file just incase the drawing thing crashes or gets shut down(that way I can get it back up with all the entries still in it). ;)
In response to Nyck
Nyck wrote:
Why don't we just list our keys here and you write them on a peice of paper and then draw them from a hat? I think that would be easier. And time wouldn't have to matter. Just give everyone like a week to enter their key.

So I officially submit my key. :D
And I'd like to congradulate myself for having the 400000th post.
In response to O-matic
I want in too. :D
In response to Zaltron
I guess I enter my key.
I am having a problem adding client's ips to a list, for some reason the ip's don't show up. I've all ready asked many if they knew the reason for the problem but no one knew. I am now going to change how i'm going to be giving out the 2 free memberships, if any of you have ideas of how I should do it post your ideas here.
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