![]() Jul 2 2005, 6:51 pm
In response to Ol' Yeller
Yeller, i cant believe you send ff7 sucks. FF7 rules, its one of the best playstation rpg out thier! You know how many fans dig that game... I guess not :(
Good story, alot of stuff to do, plenty gaming hours, and my favorite : CHOCOBO BREEDING!! Well anything that has to do with chocobos. When I get the game, I'm will continue in my quest to get a Black Chocobo!!!(The only chocbo that can go anywhere).
Actually, its the gold chocobo that can go anywhere, the black can go anywhere except into the deep ocean. Trust me, I know this, I spent around 20 hours getting the gold chocobo just so I could get the rediculously overpowered Knights of the Round materia.
Oh yeah..^_^.. Well that's side effects from not playing in a while.. Now I remember my black one. Got all of em except the gold one..must..have..
Breeding, is boring. You just sit there and breed and hope for the gold chocobo. As for the story, can you please explain it in more depth?
Ol' Yeller wrote:
Breeding, is boring. You just sit there and breed and hope for the gold chocobo. As for the story, can you please explain it in more depth? Well then you aren't one to gamble much, since its to the same effect of playing dice. I found a lot of enjoyment out of investing hours finding the right foods and birds in order to get the best chocobo, you let them mate and then wait it out and cross your fingers hoping you get it right this time around. The story is developed in the tragic love story sense, as in boy meets girl and falls in love, but then another girl tries to get in the way, and the girl the boy falls in love with dies to the hands of the boys arch nemesis. The boy was originally going to kill his nemesis to save the world, but ended up going to kill him as revenge, and by the end he starts feeling for the other girl who got in the way of him and his old love originally. I didn't find the main storyline too interesting, but looking into the stories of the characters along the way was a lot of fun. Really, just because you don't like the game doesn't mean its not fun for others, you need to understand this, no matter how someone tries to explain it to you, if you don't like it, then you don't like it. So it is an excersise in futility to keep poking at it. |
Yes, but you're one of the people who like it for a good reason. Other people are like: "OH MEH GOSH, CLOUD IZ KEWL". You're one of the only people that came up with a good explanation. Also, I think the story was horrible too. :p
I didn't get very far through FF7. The story was promising for a while, but the abysmally boring gameplay just killed it for me.
It has the best story line, first game with 3d graphics and <font color=green>Greatest Hits</font>.
.> |
First game with 3D graphics? Hardly. =P
Perhaps you mean first Final Fantasy game with 3D graphics. =) |
Nah, I'm no one of those cloud is kewl ppl. I actually played through it all but I still haven't beat Sephiroth or the weapons yet(because owner of game sold it). But this game made me a fan of FF from then on, even though I don't own many FF games. (Btw, I did explain earlier but not in deep detail.) Its jsut a cool game, and you actually get into the story..(My opinion) There are plenty of secrets and plenty of stuff to do before you can really explore on your own, but its worth it in the end.
"Yes, but why do you like it? That's something that nobody can answer. :)"
Good storyline, good replay, I love how you can level up skills, good graphics, nice cinemas and great music. |
Digital Samurai wrote:
"Yes, but why do you like it? That's something that nobody can answer. :)" Graphics doesn't count. Storyline is realy cliché, making it boring. Leveling up skills, yay, even more grinding. Great music -- I'll let that slide, but it shouldn't make a game. Nice cinemas -- the cutscenes, with the technology they had at the time, they were still clunky. But, I didn't mind them. I think that's every aspect you mentioned. :p |
No, what you're saying is that your opinion is better than everyone elses. And even though about everyone else likes FF7, it's really not a good game because you say so. If they tell you what they like about it such as good graphics, storyline, etc. for some reason those aren't good reasons for someone to like a game.
SD, would you rather play a game with really really really good graphics, crappy gameplay, storyline, and everything else, or a game with crappy (or no) graphics with a really really goood storyline, gameplay, and everything else?
Ol' Yeller wrote:
SD, would you rather play a game with really really really good graphics, crappy gameplay, storyline, and everything else, or a game with crappy (or no) graphics with a really really goood storyline, gameplay, and everything else? I'd rather play one with great *everything*. Ultimately, having just one being really good and the rest really bad would deter me from the game. A game with a really really really good storyline, but crappy graphics, gameplay and everything else would deter me from playing the game. A game with really really really good gameplay, but crappy graphics, storlyine and everything else would deter me from playing the game. Having poor graphics shows poor production values! Graphics are *just* as important (in a graphical game, naturally) as any other part of the game. |