![]() Jun 27 2005, 5:07 pm
I wrote a message two weeks ago talking about something of the same thing. What i need to know is how do i make it so when i get a mission from one mob, a verb involving the mission appears in another mob, then goes away when the mission is complete.
I think he means that in like a Quest NPC or something. Like if there's a quest for a lost boy, a verb like Find() appears when you're next to him, or something. You could do something such as set invisibility=1, then when they talk to the person that gives them the quest, their see_invisible is set to 1. However, this won't work very well with multiple quests, especially at the same time.
I just tried the coding, it doesn't work. When i get the mission and walk up to the other NPC, only the verbs i have set for him show up. >_<
what i am trying to do is set it so after i get a mission from one NPC i go up to another NPC and have something refering to the mission. Example:
Take this package to steve(mission) you walk up to steve and click on a verb about the package. Steve says: Give me the package and takes the package from you. (This verb would not be shown until you get the mission, so you wouldn't know about the mission) ---- This is what i want to happen. AIM: ------ (On until 10:30 Jun 29 BST) P.S. it would help if you could tell me how to get rid of items from your contents |
I tried that. Maybe i didn't do something right (i started in like ... January, i think). Heres my coding:
mob Mob23_102_2 density=1 icon='item.dmi' icon_state="Person2" name="Velkilroth Telnort" verb GuaSprJob_Package1() set src in oview(1) set name = "Dehruthin's Package" set category = "Velkilroth Telnort" if(usr.GuaSprJob_Package1 == 0)if(usr.got_job == 0) dir=get_dir(src,usr) usr << Well, now that you're one of us, I geuss it's time you do some work for us." sleep(15) usr << "I need you to take a package to Dehruthin Aldimaya. He'll be waiting outside of the Northern Entrance to the park" sleep(15) usr << "<It's pretty easy. Just go there and give him the package. He'll give you another package. Bring it back here and get paid." sleep(15) switch(alert("Do you accept your mission",,"Yes","No")) if("Yes") usr.got_job = 1 usr.job = "Guardians of the Springs" usr.mission = "Deliver the package to Dehruthin Aldimaya" usr << "Here's the package. Hurry up" sleep(10) usr << "Velkilroth hands you the package." usr.GuaSprJob_Package1 = 1 if("No") usr << "Well, it'll be waiting for you if you need it." Mob65_10_3 density=1 icon='item.dmi' icon_state="Person3" name="Dehruthin Aldimaya" verb Package()//This verb needs to appear after you choose yes to accept the mission set src in oview(1) set category = "Dehruthin Aldimaya" set name = "Package" if(usr.GuaSprJob_Package1 == 1) dir=get_dir(src,usr) usr << "Are you the one Velkilroth sent. Here's the package." sleep(15) usr <<"Dehruthin hands you the package" usr.GuaSprJob_Package1 = 2 spawn(10)dir=initial(dir) usr.mission = "Take the new package back to Velkilroth" ------ Where do I place something to get what i need to happen to work? Aim: PopisfizzyMan (i'll be on until at least 4:00 BST) |
Simple as beans.