In response to Loduwijk
There are good stuff and bad stuff about every system, admit it. Not everyone likes the same thing.

Sorry, I just hate these "This console is better than this one." posts. It's just a matter of taste. I personally like playstation the best, Xbox second, but game-cube isn't all bad. I dislike playstation, however, because of it's lack of exploration in it's adventure games. I dislike Nintendo stuff because of their constant lack of originality, but I like nintendo stuff because they carry the best adventure games, like the zeldas and marios.
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
There are good stuff and bad stuff about every system, admit it. Not everyone likes the same thing.

I already have, multiple times. As I have said more than once now, my post has nothing to do with the presence or absence of quality games.

Sorry, I just hate these "This console is better than this one." posts. It's just a matter of taste.

My main point had nothing to do with taste.
In response to Loduwijk
It's Sony's exploitive business practices that irk you, yes?

Well, that makes alot of sense. The developer commnts I made were more for the PS1 era, BTW, when software devolopers were flocking to Sony. I agree that things have changed in more recent times, probably due to Sony's stronger market share.

In some ways it seems that you don't care for Sony for the same reasons I dislike Wal-Mart :-)
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
And then the Revolution that is coming out next, which (unofficially, only heard from through leaked sources) will use be placed on your head as a virtual reality helmet.

If this is what you're talking about...

I heard it was bogus. :-/
In response to Sarm
It is bogus, no console company is going to beable to make a VR setup that won't cost far more than their consumers will beable to afford. Unless you wan't a colored version of virtual boy, I wouldn't expect any VR equipment from sony/m$/nintendo for awhile.

The portalable Gamecube seems more likely, but i doubt that would happen, since it doesn't have ports to plugin your gba(s), which is a must for about 90% of the gcn games. :P
In response to Jmurph
Jmurph wrote:
In fact, Sony's superior developer support is a large reason why the original PS proved so popular while other systems failed.

The original PS wasn't that popular, at least not until pirate games started popping up. Of the few people I know who had PlayStations before pirating took off none of them were very satisfied with it.
Most of them would have rathered the SNES they traded in to get it.

I agree there are seeerious problems in game development. But it has alot more to do with short sighted corporatism trumping creativity then any 1 particular company. And frankly, hating one particular manufacturer simply because they are the most successful, popular, etc is a bit... irrational.

I think that when people are refering to hating Sony they're refering to hating the group of companies with Sony's attitude.

There's no denying that more and more entertainment companies (TV, movie, game, etc) are falling into the habit of just pumping something until it works.
I mean when a TV show starts to flop they don't take it off the air anymore, they put it on daily and advertise it 24/7 as the countries biggest new super hit.
The end result is people will watch it, and like Vodka they'll get used to the burn. However they're still losing because a company would rather manipulate them than cut their losses, learn from their mistake and give them something they legitimately like.

Don't get me wrong here, I do like a lot of PS2 games. I'm actually considering going out and buying a PS2 for a few specific titles. I just loath the modern attitude towards marketting, and Sony seems to be the poster child for it.
XxXAlmasyXxX wrote: images?q=playstation+3&hl=en&lr=&oe=ISO-8859-1&sa=N&tab=ii&o i=imagest

They have a lot of different photos of what the
Playstation 3 will look like does anyone here know which one it's actually going to look like.

Also, does anyone else think that Playstation sounds kind of childish that sounds like this building we have that little kids go to I think they should change the name.

I'd say this is the real one:

In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
Xbox sucks, plain and simple.

I finally broke down 2 years ago and bought one, and got it modded out. I only have like 3 Xbox games on the HD, the rest is emulation.

I dont use my Xbox for a Xbox, I should have taken that $300.00 and bought a new Dell. I could have done more with it.

Xbox delivers for me, alot of crappy junk, it seems to them, their idea of good gaming is violence, sex and blood. I cant find more then 2 or 3 titles for my little sister to play on it, and I wouldnt let her waste my HD space by copying them.

Sony on the other hand has made easily over 1,000 titles in the past few years that I love and adore. But Sony is a bunch of turds at the same time, making their hardware expensive, and poorly made. Look at how every Sony game proudct, when first put out has had its fair share of problems. PS1, PS2 and the PSP all have had OS and Hardware errors that had to be later fixed or repaired.

Mean while, I have never had any problems with my Gamecube, N64, or even my Snes or Nes. Matter of fact, I left my window open one time, and it rained and filled my Gamecube tray up with water, I had to shake it out and let it dry, and guess what, still works perfect. I would never trust a sony product to do the same.

In the end, I am waiting for the Nintendo R and Gameboy E. Later on, if the PS3 allows support for UMD on their syste, Ill get a PS3. But MS will never get my money again for a home system like Xbox. <font size = -2>it sucks balls.</font>
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
I dislike Nintendo stuff because of their constant lack of originality, but I like nintendo stuff because they carry the best adventure games, like the zeldas and marios.

Constant is hardly accurate. If anything, their more recent material has lacked in originality. Even then it's only because it is rereleases of old material -- which isn't a bad thing and is enjoyed by a wide player base. I don't think I've witnessed a made-by-Nintendo game lacking in originality in the last 10 years or more. Everything always has something new and inventive, you never see derelict sequels with the same tired old maps. Nintendo IS originality. Sony nor Microsoft can begin to touch them in this compartment, and I expect that will be the case for years and years to come.

In response to Aaiko
Hah! You're three minutes too late! Although you showed my the news topic first, I posted it, anyways, I'd definatly have to agree, the PS3 is the real one, specially coming from a highly credable source such as MSNBC.
In response to ZeroCrash
*sigh* The power might be nice, but I'm not liking how it looks.

The disc slot looks better than a tray. However, I'd still rather have a pop top and not have to fear getting a CD jammed.

Putting discs in front would be more reasonable if the top was flat. However, it seems like the curved top will make storage a pain. No more setting the controller or current game on top when I'm done. No more stacking the system with other entertainment items.

The long controller handles look uncomfortable. Granted, I may have to try it to be sure. However, I really don't see what was wrong with the old design, especially since they didn't add or remove buttons.

I neither have nor am planning to buy a television which will support such large resolutions. Nor am I going to hook it up to my computer monitor, where the space, and often the computer itself, is taken.
In response to Aaiko
Heh. It looks like he won some sort of award, probably for the Stupidest Look Console.
I don't really care much for any console in terms of appearance, although I do like the black Gamecube, but this crossed the line between 'don't make it the centeral piece in the room' and 'don't put it anywhere people can see'.
It looks like someone took an old Atari and tried to make it look furutistic for some cheesy sci-fi movie.
In response to Nathandx82
Nathandx82 wrote:
The portalable Gamecube seems more likely, but i doubt that would happen, since it doesn't have ports to plugin your gba(s), which is a must for about 90% of the gcn games. :P

It's not a must for any of the games! You can get just as much enjoyment from your games (except FF:CC and LoZ:FS) without using the GBA connection.
Granted, Nintendo failed in it's big push for GC-GB connectivity, but meh- I've got a connector, and I've only used it once.
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
SSJ2GohanDBGT wrote: vids_1.html?fromint=1

Looks like lights out for XBox in terms of who rules =P Nintendo should still be in the game.

Man, that controller is just plain ugly..The system itself doesnt look da "sexiest" or "sleekest" compared to the competition..
In response to ZeroCrash
In response to Scoobert
I dont care for how the new Xbox looks, it looks like my old middle schools 386 computers.

I dont like how the PS3 controller looks either.

I know I am not getting a Xbox 360 but I may get a PS3. I dunno. I will if it supports UMD media.

Edit: OMG, I hope to god thats not how the Nintendo R looks. Id rather have it look like the Xbox 360 then that.

It looks like someone ripped out a CD-Rom drive and put it on a stand.

Where the hell is the ports, or buttons or wires for that matter? O.o;;

EDIT 2: Actully I changed my mind, compaired to the 360 and PS3, its looking pretty good.
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
Nathandx82 wrote:
The portalable Gamecube seems more likely, but i doubt that would happen, since it doesn't have ports to plugin your gba(s), which is a must for about 90% of the gcn games. :P

Actully Nintendo did make a statement that they want to keep using the media they use for the Nintendo Gamecube, and plan on using it in the future, they said that years ago.

There is a rumor, and I think a good chance, the Gameboy Evolution is supposed to:

1. use simiar disks
2. be able to play GC disks

Nintendo has always been a innavator, and I bet when the Gameboy E comes out, itll kick the snot out of the PSP. In all aspects.

The Big N pwns joo.
I dont know how many of you have read the articles posted on /. but this thing looks pretty damned impressive. 0514254&tid=235&tid=233&tid=212

Edit: Also, be sure to check out Filerush they have some pics that show off the graphics and make the controller look slightly less aqward.
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