    Give_GM_Verb(mob/M as mob in world, V as anything in typesof(/mob/gmverbs/verb))
set category="Host"

Problem description:

/mob/gmverbs has attached to it all the verbs full GMs can use. With this code, I want to be able to give someone a single GM verb. The error I get (run-time, giving a verb to myself):
runtime error: wrong type of value for list
proc name: Give GM Verb (/mob/adminverbs/verb/Give_GM_Verb)
  source file:,41
  usr: Sgeo (/mob/player)
  src: Sgeo (/mob/player)
  call stack:
Sgeo (/mob/player): Give GM Verb(Sgeo (/mob/player), null)
Sgeo wrote:
>   Give_GM_Verb(mob/M as mob in world, V as anything in typesof(/mob/gmverbs/verb))
> set category="Host"
> M.client.verbs+=V

Problem description:

<code>/mob/gmverbs</code> has attached to it all the verbs full GMs can use. With this code, I want to be able to give someone a single GM verb. The error I get (run-time, giving a verb to myself):
runtime error: wrong type of value for listproc name: Give GM Verb (/mob/adminverbs/verb/Give_GM_Verb)source file:,41usr: Sgeo (/mob/player)src: Sgeo (/mob/player)call stack:Sgeo (/mob/player): Give GM Verb(Sgeo (/mob/player), null)

if you look at your call stack, you called Give_GM_Verb with the correct first param, but the verb to give them was null. You can't add null to a list, so it throws up when trying to add V(which in this call is null) to the verb list. Make sure you are giving Give_GM_Verb the correct verb name as the second param. Try something like:

Give_GM_Verb(Sgeo, /proc/kill_all_units)

Hope that helps.
In response to Neo Skye
I want to be able to chose what I want to give while the world is runningn