All of them but the last one are made using cheap Animation Shop effects. The last one is just bulky and generic.
In response to Nadrew
Personally I like my banners.

But the one to beat all banners in history, graphically and in great ideas, is this one:
In response to Kagayaku Kami
I don't like any of them. Personally the animations, anyone could do that. I can do stuff like that and I stole my copy of Paint Shop Pro from my school and never had a day of training in my life.

Some of the BEST banners Ive seen, are non-animated ones. Vyse and Hant both have some mad skills in banner and hub icon creations.
In response to Kunark
Smiley Warz, classic chaos...I miss that game, I should remake it =P
In response to Shades
Animation is flashy and unnecesary... and it DOES get old... Remember that mario online banner? That thing was awful, it flashed random colors... *shudders*
In response to Shades
THOSE aren't my banners.
Old SD icon and banner:

In response to Kagayaku Kami
THOSE are nice.
except for the red around them.
In response to Ter13
Yeah, the Red outline really prestines the picture in a frame type of mood, making a decent banner for a gray backround, and the games mood set. It really did match the Entry on byond with those red outlines.
This is a banner I made for my Spiral game:
In response to GokuDBZ3128
Heres a nice one for a game i tested awhile back.

Yeah its dbz, but its pretty snazzy. However i think they Quit working on that game.

In response to GokuDBZ3128
Looks nice
In response to Dalga Productions
Here's one I made for Wolf01 a while back. Really lame. Just a little gradient with some silver line-through text. Laugh if you must:
In response to Kagayaku Kami
The text isn't very readable. I like the watery-looking background though, did you make that yourself?
In response to Crispy
People should start asking me to make them banners, i'll happily make them a banner if it's actually Worth making.
In response to Goz
That looks like it would belong to a DBZ parody :P Not bad, nonetheless.

I made that in MSPaint a few years ago. I've gotten much better at graphics design since then, and discovered how filters can shorten the time my job takes, but I think this was a pretty decent work. Some cool home-made font :D

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