does an object located in a persons screen get deleted when they log out? if not.. do i need to put in a code to delete them upon logout or will it not make a difference?

o_O Something like that?
In response to Hell Ramen
I think it would be something..

Siefer wrote:
does an object located in a persons screen get deleted when they log out? if not.. do i need to put in a code to delete them upon logout or will it not make a difference?

If the obj does not exist on the map at all, then yes, it should be deleted. An obj will stick around as long as there's a reference to it somewhere. If you only have that reference in client.screen, then it will go away. If it's on the map too, though, or if it's in some list or var that did not get deleted along with the player, it'll stay around.

Lummox JR
In response to Hell Ramen
again i'll remind you. there's NO SUCH THING AS del.atom.
In response to DeathAwaitsU
It works for "del.usr" most of the time...
Or, I'm thinking usr.HP, or something similair x_X
In response to Hell Ramen
Hell Ramen wrote:
It works for "del.usr" most of the time...
Or, I'm thinking usr.HP, or something similair x_X

HP is a variable. The HP variable in this case belongs to usr. Therefore usr.HP. del() is a proc that doesn't belong to anything, therefore it's del(usr). usr is an argument passed to del.

If usr had a proc called, for example, Die(), it could be called with usr.Die().
In response to Lummox JR
thank you lummox jr. to be clear, what you are saying is that as long as the object is only in the players screen (or any other player variables) then i dont need to worry about deleting it?