A few things that would completely terrify the carp out of me:
Being stuck in a room with 1 wall with razor sharp spikes slowly closing in.
Being stuck in a room where it is slowly flooded with blood and having to have to drown in it.
Being stuck in a room slowly being flooded with red ants.
Being stuck in a room with a guy psycho construction workers trying to kill me. (Guys with hammers, screw drivers etc.)
Falling into a bottomless pit. (Gave me nightmares for 2 weeks once)
Hanging on to a bar in a room with a giant meat shredder as a floor.
Waking up in the middle of the night in a dark mansion I've never been in before and see a big clown doll standing in front of me that looks like this: http://www.scaryornot.com/scaries/img3ff727da38281.jpg
Seeing a guy's head slowly being ripped off.
Seeing a guy bent in nasty ways.
Seeing a guy slowly being put in a shredder head first.
Seeing a guy slowly being flattened by one of those construction wheels head first.
An object with a face always being there wherever I go.
Being drowned in a toilet by a gang. (Really)
Seeing someone I know getting raped.
Seeing someone I know getting tortured.
Everything being silent in a pitch dark room and turning around and seeing a guy/hearing a loud noise.
Falling off a cliff. (Or something very tall)
Getting ganged up.
Being lost when dark.
Bugs that bite. (Except spiders and ladybugs)
Seeing a human corpse.
Seeing a messed up human corpse.
Kunark wrote:
What scares you? I mean REALLY, don't give me a "TEH GOVORNMENT" or "The growing amount of DBZ games.". I'm serious. If you were in a creepy strangers house, what is the most disturbing/twisted thing that you can think of that would make you cringe and run, or you wer ein a creepy house and something so terrifying it would actually scare you. NOOOOOOO! YOU FOOLS! don't respond to him! I found out today that kunark is really a mass murderer, know for his sick and twisted ways of killing people! He wants to know your fears so he can KILL you..... just joking kunark, heheh =) |
I agree alathon, I own enternal darkness for the gamcube, and man that game would be nothing without the sound. But also, I like the fact that you can go insane and all these weird affects happen to you.
This is one of the freakyest ones for me: I was fighting a monster, I beat him, the screen flashes white and for about 7 seconds I walk around tell I notice, IM UPSIDE DOWN! im walking on the roof. But the really freaky thing is, as soon as I Noticed it, A high pitched scream emmited from the game, and everything whet back to normal. Scared the hell outa me |
Well, if your trying to make a scary game, here are a few things that scare the crap out of me.
1. Ever play max payne 2? You know how when he is dreaming, the screen gets kinda wobly and freaky. Well if you combined that, with a slow heart beat that gets faster and faster and louder and louder as you get close to something extreamly sick/scary (ex: mangled corpse of, I dunno, your dog or something), that would scare the hell out of me. 2. Being pushed in front of a vechicle. Your walking down the street on the sidewalk, and someone purposly or just accidently pushes down onto the road, you turn your head just in time to see a tire run over your head, killing you instantly. Just the idea of that scares me 3. Your walking in a scary mansion, and you hear voices calling you in diferent directions, combined with idea one, that would be f-ing scary. and on a final note, you need scary background music as well, and the flashlight idea is good too. |
Yeah it would be kinda cool with scary music XD
And your idea is cool with the screen getting wavy and stuff. But it could be a cold corpse of your sister or something instead of a dog. And when you get close to her then you hear a scream and the whole screen turns black for a few seconds and then you see that the corpse gets all messed up and twisted and stuff and you are covered with blood. Then you hear a hysterical laugh... But scary games are more fit for 3D than 2D... |
Your idea is relli good, would scare the crap outa me, Id probably never play the game again, id be too scared too =(
Seeing someone walk away from you, out of your line of sight (like turning a corner into a different room) and coming in later to find the room empty.
Maybe you could make some spooky stuff only trigger if the person it will affect doesn't see anyone else nearby. Oh yeah. Darkness. Lots of it. Probably the scariest way something can surprise you is if you're unable to see it coming. :) |
Jermman wrote:
I agree alathon, I own enternal darkness for the gamcube, and man that game would be nothing without the sound. But also, I like the fact that you can go insane and all these weird affects happen to you. I've been wanting to check out ED, but don't have a GC. Ever since I heard about it :( |
Theodis' twisted impression of reality. =P
Seriously, though, most scary things aren't things you can see. Building up atmosphere through sound, hiding things in darkness or fog... these are scary. If you're looking for visually scary things, though, making a gruesome version of something usually considered innocent and pure is one way. Particularly children and babies. Also dolls. |
Theodis' twisted impression of reality. =P Not nearly as scary as being one of the last sane people left :). |
For a game, like one user recommended, have a flashlight enviroment. Also have sound. What would seriously freak the user out? During a long walk down a hallway the the flashlight suddenly flickers on and off and then stops working. The whole screen goes black and you hear heavy breathing sounds. The noise stops for awhile and then a bloodcurdiling scream goes off and a deformed face blasts up on the screen! The face flashes away and they will most likely feel alittle better because it's gone. But then have the flashlight flicker back on, and show the walls with blood on them (were clean before) and a trail of blood on the ground. They will be too scared to continue. Then have the player's icon look around and then hear more heavy breathing, and have the flashlight flicker just once, but don't go off. Afther this make an alert come up saying "It's behind you! RUN!" this will get them running into a trap, once they get about 5 tiles away flash the face again. Then make the player's icon pass out. Let it wait for awhile so they can regain their control and after a while let him/her wake up. :)
O_O that would be awesome though i dony scare easily... as a matter of fact theres very few things that do scare me but one of them is this black-cloaked figure i used to see walking around my house at midnight... Just thinking about that gives me goosebumps...
You need to do things that people won't expect.
Examples... In Silent Hill 3, you're in a room with a manequin. You walk around the corner, and you hear this really loud shriek. If you walk back to the manequin, you'll notice it's head has been sliced in two, and it's bloody. Scatter bodies around, and have a random couple get up and come after you. Create suspense by making several things pop out at you. Enough to make the user wary to these things. After that point, make something sudden happen (such as a lightbulb explode, or a door fall off the hinges). Good luck. ~>Volte |
That reminded me of something I saw on Real TV! It was halloween, this black male (about 28) came up to the door. Now here's the weird part, he had no costume, no bag, I think I saw a crowbar in his hands... anyway, there was this still pumpkin on a stuffed-body kind of thing sitting down. When the black male walked up to it, the so called "stuffed" was a real guy, he jumped up and was like "RAAA". Immidiately the black male had punched the guy in the face! It was hilarious! THe black guy jumped in the air scared nearly wetting his pants, and got a punch right in the middle of his nose. =)
The Vikings feared death from growing old :).