Thats right joe vesa is back on byond, and ready to start coding again. Do i smell a DBIC 3? Ya nenever know!!
Why's this in Classified Ads?
5 month absense with all of 8 posts including this one. Do you really expect anythone to recognize you?
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
5 month absense with all of 8 posts including this one. Do you really expect anythone to recognize you?

Yes, indeed. Who is HE?!
JoeVesa wrote:
Thats right joe vesa is back on byond, and ready to start coding again. Do i smell a DBIC 3? Ya nenever know!!

Not a zeta rip this time? Oh and did you get banned or something?
In response to XzDoG
No i dident get band. but xzdog IM i have somthing to tell you fibbs28
In response to Stealth 2k
Your not fooling anyone. i got my eye on you! O_o
In response to JoeVesa
Aww! Please tell us too! Are you finally moving onto C++ and Java?
In response to Kunark
He is going to make Icon_Chatterz 2!
In response to Stealth 2k
KNO WAY!!!!!

I'd definately play that game!
Joe, could you try and not scam anyone this time?
In response to Kunark
ur not the only 1!!!1!!!11!!!!1!!1!!!!1!1!!1!11!1!!!!1!1!!!!!!!!!1!11!1!1111 !!1!1111!1!111!111!!!!!1!!!!

resinating lite
In response to Resonating_Light
Fibbs28: i was wondering if you could maybe help me code a db game using some old coding//Joe Vesa