It seems someone using a be cloaked of another email) email address(which I do not give out) has been sending out viruses. [email protected] has been sending them. I am guessing it is byond related because it is the only site I use for. If any of you get an email from [email protected], please tell me and try to run a whois. Run your virus scanner as soon as you get that email. I am trying to track down the culprit right now. I think it is not my machine because sendmail on my linux is disabled and my ISP wont let virus be sent though their servers. I do not take kindly to such actions, I revieved 11 virus yesterday. I have not ever got one single virus though email to my account before. This has really upset me.
Viruses and spammers almost always forge the sender. Usually viruses look in the victim's address book and randomly pick an address from there to forge. Even if someone is legitimately using that address, that person is very unlikely to be the true culprit.
In response to Mike H
It isnt using my computer at all, where they were sent was an email I have never heard of. This is a private email and is not used during any regesration or pages or anything. I have no address book on this computer, mainly for things like this. I also recieved many emails containing virus, my virus scanner and my ISP's got them all, so I am ok, but this onslought of virus has angered me a lot.
In response to Scoobert
He's saying, maybe one of the people from BYOND got a virus. It checked their address book, found you in there, and made up a fake email. It then used the fake email to send to other's in their address book.
In response to Airjoe
That or somehow I have made an enemy on byond. Also, if it is byond related, other people may be getting these emails saying they are from me, I dont want that on my record.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
That or somehow I have made an enemy on byond.

I seriously doubt that, Airjoe explained it pretty well.

To put it in perspective, I have a few domains and my primary email address has been around on the internet for over 10 years. My various addresses and domains are in a lot of spammers' lists and people's address books. Since I started tracking it in January, I've received 4200 bounced messages that originated from spammers or viruses forging their sender addresses to look like me or someone from my domains. That's 28 a day, and those are only the ones that bounce. Think of the thousands that must go through.

Unfortunately SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, which is used for transmitting email) is seriously flawed because there's nothing anyone can do about this. There is no authentication involved, so email can be forged trivially. It worked for the first 15-20 years of the internet, when it was small and everyone was trusted. Now we're in desperate need of a better solution, but that won't come quickly. Companies will argue about the new standard, seeing it as a chance to gain control, and everyone will have to upgrade their email servers before it will even begin to become viable. It'll be a long time yet before we can put this behind us. In the meantime, it's just a nasty fact of life on the internet.
In response to Mike H
Ya, I read basicly that in a PC magizine, it really didnt tell me anything I didnt know, but it was worth reading. Only problem I see with upgrading mail protocals is that people will want to work it in so they can charge you by the email sent. Already the government is working on plans tax every email. I think this is a crazy idea and is not worth it.
In response to Scoobert
I really doubt the government would try and tax every e-mail, simply because its not a service they provide, and would be VERY difficult to push on the majority of email users. Although this would definately cut down on spam.
In response to Jotdaniel
Well, the government wants to make money however they can. It would be annoying, but it could be done if the email systems where redone. I hate to see this coming.
In response to Scoobert
If someone tried to tax email, email would die. Instantly. People would just use other forms of communication over the internet.
In response to Crispy
Well, you think that now, but who knows, over time, with all the stupid people, they will think that email is the only way they can, besides IMs. Now smarter people will be forced to use email to communicate with the not so smart. Although smart people will use basicly the old email system, they will have to use the new to keep in touch with the idiots who are paying for it, thus forcing the smart to be dumb.
In response to Scoobert
In response to Scoobert
All I'm saying is, it would be difficult to justify taxing a service that not provided by the government.
In response to Jotdaniel
Not really, if it is regulated by the government, they tax everything else dont they?
In response to Jotdaniel
They can tax cigarettes, and tickets to ball games, why not e-mail? =P
In response to Goku72
Its not the same type of tax. Taxing it like they tax the postal service would not work, is what I'm trying to say, because that tax is in place to pay for the postal service(at a minimum anyway).
In response to Mike H
Once again the idiots in the school system writing up the learning material are completely wrong and I look like an idiot because of them. I really get tired of being wrong on account of a school system that cant get a thing right. This is far from the first time this has happened, I live in NC, we have the 49th(Or close to it) school systems in the country, based on test and grade results.