(See the best response by LordAndrew.)
I have a dell. Venue 8 pro can I use it on byond to play games it uses windows 8.1 pro
Best response
BYOND should run on Windows XP (with Service Pack 3) and up.
So what if it runs on windows 8.1 pro
So it does work thnks
I use windows 8.1.
FYI It's a tablet not a PC ..

As long as the tablet isn't running Windows RT, you can run BYOND.

I believe RT was made to run only Windows Metro Apps and wasn't to be used as a full desktop, with non RT you should be able to run any Windows program.
Thanks I tried it and it works my venue was having trouble loading anything that had high resolution I called costumer support and they said I should do a reset but it didn't fix it plz help I need it fixed for the next school year it's a really helpful device
It also said on byond I can't run it and on all my other apps
I think I'm gonna send it in and get my money back I had it on a year warranty and I had it for only 3 months
And buy a Asus t100 so I could continue playing byond with no harm but it would be a lot of trouble so if someone could help me fix it
For some reason byond messed it up because someone downloaded it for me and they must've got a viruse some how on purpose because my bro was smiling darn it
Idk I'm confused and devastated I love byond I can't wait for 2 weeks to send it in on customer support and to see if it can get fixed byond without 2 weeks sucks and will sucks that is how I felt when I had a think pad 8 and I bricked it when trying to get an app that changes it to ios 7 idk why
Btw I know it isn't the right forum but u lads could help me fix this issue
In response to Ssj4justdale
Ssj4justdale wrote:
I use windows 8.1.

I use that too it just froze my venue I think I downloaded the wrong one maybe idk I'm totally confused
In response to A.T.H.K
A.T.H.K wrote:
FYI It's a tablet not a PC ..

As long as the tablet isn't running Windows RT, you can run BYOND.

I believe RT was made to run only Windows Metro Apps and wasn't to be used as a full desktop, with non RT you should be able to run any Windows program.

It is also a laptop if u get it a keyboard and I did get it to run but it ended up freezing it due to a bunch of viruses

This isn't a computer forum, try asking somewhere else more specific..
Oi it says off topic anything i ask and you guys seem knowledgable about computers
I already sent it in they told me i have to purchase a new one so yeah
I am-getting it tomorow to play some byond
In response to Bjkl
Bjkl wrote:
Oi it says off topic anything i ask and you guys seem knowledgable about computers

You're in BYOND Help ..

"Having software or website problems? Get help here."
I got an asus t100 has no problems
Been playing on it for awhile and have a security servicing provider no more viruses though
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