In response to Hedgemistress
thus further evidence to my point...


*snicker* *snicker*

In response to Airjoe
I said this earlier today:

Warning labels just further the stupidity of our species, by allowing the stupid people to live on and breed. What will become of us as these people have their offspring, and they take over the world? No way, I'm going postal in a belltower before I let that happen. I feel for my age, I am incredibly worldly, which is not very. It's really sad how little people actually think. I have trouble with girls where I live because the only smart ones are kind of funny looking, or lesbians, or the pretty ones can't hold a conversation about anything other than makeup and shoes. I live in Johnson County, Kansas, the third-richest county in the United States. It's like there's a bubble here, a void of things we like to think happen in the real world.

(serously about the girls comment, though, I have a lot of lesbian friends because I'll be sitting there, making passes, and all of the sudden, out of nowhere, "Sweetie, I'm gay...". But honestly, I can't date a stupid person, I have to be able to tolerate their presence, and stupidity is something I can't deal with, so subsequently, I just leave the issue of relationships alone. It's like there's no push for girls to be smart at my school, they are either too busy being good looking, or too busy trying to act "ghetto"... It's sad.)
In response to Ter13
Everyone? Just the lawyers. Get the lawyers out of the way, and blow up all the lawyer schools, and american society will be slightly improved.

Well, it's easier than getting politicians to fix the stupid laws so that they make sense and aren't a manifestation of "Corporation > Person".
In response to Airjoe
Airjoe wrote:
We only have to do that because the idiots who do actually die in a toilet will have there family sue. In one case, a woman was driving in the car with a open cup of coffee fresh from dunkin donuts, and she rode over some train tracks. She got coffee all over herself, and sued dunkin donuts for not putting a warning.

You would think common sense would prevail- those without it need to be culled from the herd, so-to-speak, and not allowed to breed. This is why I am so glad to have moved to Europe- people here survive on common sense, not through labels on coffe cups. Were such people able to get their head out of their butts, the U.S. might not waste money in the court system, and even possibly clear up their deficit!

And I still don't know why people think I'm a guru! :p
In response to Flick
I remember posting something similar to the bottom one though?
In response to Hedgemistress
Oh, so you automatically think i'm talking about myself hmm? Well, i personally think you should just stop replying to my posts, i find your posts offending and useless, all the time. Mainly because a) your insulting something i've done, b) You think i'm stupid enough to think stupid things, c) You think i just post without thinking for some idiotic reason and then jump to some stupid conclusion that i'm doing soemthing wrong. You KNOW for a fact that you would get way more respect then someone who just started posting, and the same goes for all of the "oldbies". Hell, they have their own forum to laugh at n00bs mistakes in coding, and guess what? THEY DO IT!

And NO i was not thinking it was an attack to me, i was just saying that i've done it before, so what.
In response to DarkView
I own a site, does that make me a guru? No, because of my "horrid" attitude. Well, everyones differnt, so sorry for not being a slave drone. ^^;!
In response to digitalmouse
I want to move to the east, i never did like americans, america, or anything western.

Note: I'm american, isn't it sad? T.T;
In response to Jon88
We aren't looking to make it slightly better are we?

I think we should kill everyone!!!

Not j/k.
In response to Karasu Kami
I'm not anti-american, just anti-human, I admit I do not count myself as member of my species, Hell, I could care less, I'm still human, just not a memeber ;P
In response to Ter13
Ahh, well, i was only anti-human, but then the americans pushed it, so now i'm anti-american! ^^;

[EDIT] Sorry, and not to offend anyone, but i'd rather start my own neo-nazi community in germany then live in america all my life, thats why i'm moving! O.o;;;; [/EDIT]
In response to Karasu Kami
Yeah, it's a good thing I live in kansas, who's gonna bomb kansas? Hell, I don't think I'm too much in danger to all the people we made mad during the "war on terror" or the "war" in iraq, These were just pathetic wastes of money in my opinion, and more or less a waste of time. We got saddam though, that's a good thing, but without UN sanctions... not good, meaning we got a war-criminal (he did kill millions in Iraq, you know. But then again, we may not be able prosecute him in the world court.
In response to Ter13
Yeah, i think bush just wanted to put some live action on our corps shoulders. He wants to take over the world and raise a population of man eating monkies that were made from his DNA! O.O;;

Anyway, i think we could have done a lot better if we just shut up and sent a squad of men in there and got him with one attack, not like 150 O.o;?
In response to Karasu Kami
That's illegal, it's a crime of war. You see, you cannot perform a surgical strike against a world leader unless you are at war with them, and even then, you cannot kill them until they have been on trial, or they try to assault your troops. And, we couldn't rightly KNOW where he was, and on top of all that, you don't declare war, and then just expect the entire empire to crumble with their leader's death. His sons were MUCH worse than he was, that and we were looking for biological weapons, they DID have illegal nuclear missiles, but those could only go like 400 miles, or something. And we sent thousands in, not 150.
In response to Ter13
They don't have to bomb kansas. They just wait for tornadoes to come and abduct the entire population, and their little dogs, too!
In response to Ter13
They did try to cruise missile him, but there were some problems along the lines of finding him, and big armored subterranean bunkers.
In response to Airjoe
Airjoe wrote:
We only have to do that because the idiots who do actually die in a toilet will have there family sue. In one case, a woman was driving in the car with a open cup of coffee fresh from dunkin donuts, and she rode over some train tracks. She got coffee all over herself, and sued dunkin donuts for not putting a warning.

This old chestnut really peeves me every time it comes up. In the case everyone complains about, a drive thru window, giving people cups of coffee in their car, gave out coffee so boiling hot that when spilled (as coffee in a car will...I've done it way too many times), it burned her skin off. She needed skin grafts.

I can't swear to this, but I believe there had also been prior complaints, meaning that the vendor knew about the problem.

The fact that she was in a car had nothing to do with it. The vendor was providing a dangerously hot product that they knew people would drink and or spill. Had she not been in the car, but sitting in the restaurant, and spilled boiling hot coffee on herself requiring skin grafts, they still would have been liable.

Let's reverse it...let's say they were giving out frozen beverages, and they tossed into the car a beverage that was so cold that when you grasped it, it stuck to your hand and pulled off your skin. Would they not be liable? Would they be able to say "Hey you shouldn't drive with cold stuff in your car?"
In response to Jon88
I've lived here for 15 years, and I've sen more earthquakes nearby than tornadoes (I live on the missouri border, missouri has been known to have earthquakes every now and then (small and weak ones though))
In response to Jon88
If they did it, would they SAY they did it? "For all they knew", that underground bunker was a cell of millitants stockpiling weaponry...
In response to Ter13
No, i meant 150 operations, not 150 people XD!
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