I think ther shud be a seting in the program to set a difrint hub server. Ther wood be setings for ech kind uv conect (wether it is web URL or difrint protocol). Uve corse, peple useing the same pager and playing the same game hav to be conected to the same hub server. It mite be more useful for sumthing more later.
"I think there should be a setting in the program to set a different hub server. There would be settings for each kind of connection (whether it is a web URL or a different protocol). Of course, people using the same pager and playing the same game have to be connected to the same hub server. It might be more useful for something more later."
![]() Nov 27 2003, 2:36 pm (Edited on Nov 28 2003, 2:58 pm)
I'm under the impression that Zzo38 is an ESL person -- I figure that phonetic mistakes are forgivable, especially considering that almost all of these words are words that sound differently than they're spelled, or are homonyms. =)
sugestin Suggestion - "I have a suggestion to make." seting According to the Americans, the consonant needs to be doubled in most verbs that end in "-et". According to the Canadians and the British, the consonant needs to be doubled in all verbs that end in "-et". In any case, the Americans, Canadians, and British all agree that it is spelled: Setting - "Set your lasers to the fun setting!" ther The word you want: There - "There they are." Other words that sound the same: Their - "That's their house." They're - "They're slowing down." wood The word you want: Would - "I would really like that!" The word you accidentally used: Wood - "Trees are made out of wood." shud Should - "Should I do this?" ech Each - "To each his own." uv Of - "I already thought of that." conect Connection - "I'm getting a new internet connection." wether The word you want: Whether - "I don't know whether or not I should make this system." Other word that sounds the same: Weather - "The weather is pretty bad today." difrint Different - "Everyone has different personalities." Uve corse Of course - "Of course I know what I'm doing." peple People - "Canada has many different people living in it." useing The final E is dropped when converting a verb from infinitive "use" to present-tense "using". Thus: Using - "By using Windows 98, we stand to lose 57% of our profits." hav Have - "I must have it." mite The word you want: Might - "That might not be the best way to do it." The word you accidentally used: Mite - "My dog is infested with fleas, ticks, and mites." A word that is spelled the same but means something different: Might - "The North Koreans possess great nuclear might." sumthing Something - "Let's give them something to talk about." Here's the corrected post: "I think there should be a setting in the program to set a different hub server. There would be settings for each kind of connection (whether it is a web URL or a different protocol). Of course, people using the same pager and playing the same game have to be connected to the same hub server. It might be more useful for something more later." |
I don't really see the point... why have more than one hub server? It'd just be confusing, and a waste of time to implement.
While I don't expect the feature any time soon, people on one hub need never know about any others so that won't confuse them. Meanwhile, developers could get away from the BYOND community while still using BYOND software and Dantom could avoid bandwidth costs. It sounds sort of like an extension on what Foomer was asking for a long time ago.
Thats OK, evin if ther is no uther hub servers ther shud be a seting to change it enyways (in case you ar useing a local network, or yor own hub server, or a proxy or watever). If its not part uv the program it-self (so that sumbudy wont get confused), you can make it in the registry or configurasen file that you dont change bi the program itself.
Zzo38computer wrote:
<s>Thats</s> That's OK, <s>evin</s> even if <s>ther</s> there is no <s>uther</s> other hub servers <s>ther</s> there <s>shud</s> should be a <s>seting</s> setting to change it <s>enyways</s> anyway (in case you <s>ar</s> are <s>useing</s> using a local network, or <s>yor</s> your own hub server, or a proxy or <s>watever</s> whatever). If <s>its</s> it's not part <s>uv</s> of the program <s>it-self</s> itself (so that <s>sumbudy</s> somebody <s>wont</s> won't get confused), you can make it in the registry or <s>configurasen</s> configuration file that you <s>dont</s> don't change <s>bi</s> by the program itself. Whew. Sorry for any I missed. HavenMaster |
Leave him alone, he sounds French. Most French use "v" instead of "f" when pronouncing words with the letter "f", and he's spelling it out the way he hears it comming from his mouth. Get it? Got it? Good.
Spuzzum wrote:
I'm under the impression that Zzo38 is an ESL person -- I figure that phonetic mistakes are forgivable, especially considering that almost all of these words are words that sound differently than they're spelled, or are homonyms. =) There's nothing to suggest this impression is accurate. Most people who speak English as a second language have a pretty good grasp of the spellings of a lot of simple words, like "of". I've seen many, many people who speak English as a second language chat or post to forums online in English, and never once has one of them misspelled "of" as "uv", let alone repeatedly and often. Furthermore, most of Zzo's grammar is quite good. When dealing with someone who grew up with a different language, the grammar is at least a little mishmashed but spelling tends to be mostly okay except in long words or homophones. Word order is a telltale. Zzo38's spelling thing is a gimmick. An increasingly tiresome gimmick that's going to have to go. Lummox JR |
Yep. If he has English as a second language, he should know to spell most words correctly. Heck, I'm learning French and Italian, and I can spell most of it correctly.
Besides, to the point. Why would we need multiple hub servers? The main server may crash from time to time, but all servers do. It would be a waste of money and bandwidth for Dantom, and it would create confusion as people aren't sure which server to choose. It might create a BYOND divide (My server is better that yours! ^_^)! |
Lummox JR wrote:
An increasingly tiresome gimmick that's going to have to go. Followed by the elderly, the gypsies, and the Jews. |
I think he's infering Lummox is a "Nazi" =P Because he supplied the races that the Nazi's persecuted in the majority, in reference to the "has to go" statement made by Lummox.
Depends on how he learnt the language. If he was taught only to speak English, like a lot of tourists are, then everything makes sense.
My old Japanese teacher could speak the language fluently since she was 16, but didn't learn to write in Japanese until she was like 24. |
DarkView wrote:
Depends on how he learnt the language. If he was taught only to speak English, like a lot of tourists are, then everything makes sense. That idea doesn't really work; Japanese is a difficult language to write in. (And for that matter, it's about 3 different written languages.) But it's very very rare for someone to learn to speak English but not spell even the simplest of its words. Furthermore, anyone who could learn English would be capable of picking up spelling by reading other posts in the forum. That doesn't mean he'd necessarily get "suggestion" right off the bat, but "of" is a definite. Lummox JR |
OneFishDown wrote:
Followed by the elderly, the gypsies, and the Jews. You know, I've gotten mighty tired of your pissy contrarianism; disagreeing with someone just for the sake of disagreeing with them is pointless. But that's nothing compared to making veiled insults--especially as serious as comparing someone to a Nazi. That kind of flame is not going to stand in the forums. Lummox JR |
Easty wrote:
Besides, to the point. Why would we need multiple hub servers? The main server may crash from time to time, but all servers do. It would be a waste of money and bandwidth for Dantom, and it would create confusion as people aren't sure which server to choose. It might create a BYOND divide (My server is better that yours! ^_^)! Thay dont need multiple hub servers. But in case sumbudy make ther own hub server, you can enter the domain name and port number uv that server and it work. Uve corse on the login screen it givs a warning that you ar not useing the defalt hub server. It folows from the rule uv how to make good computer program: 149. If the program conects to spesific sentral server, make an option (in text configerasen file or registry or watever) to type yor own domain name and port number. All refrences to that server will be replaced in the program. |
Learn to spell -_-