I got arrested :o But it's stupid cause it was only for shop lifting but it was on a military base so now I gotta goto FEDERAL COURT and they charged me with trespassing too because I took the school bus onto base. Now I'm banned from base for life and if I'm caught on there it's a felony. That sucks cause a few of my friends live there. O ya I was caught trying to steal a bottle of Jack.
dont mean to be rude, but drunks are ignorant. Why would you try to steal a bottle of beer from an area that has thousands of weapons near by? ...thats stupid...not on the bases part, on yours! i can imagine it now lol -takes a bottle of jacks and sneaks out without being caught, all of a sudden a tank appears behind him and is shooting its 50 cal at him with some yanky yelling obsenitives(spelt right?)-
basically, you dont how i was taught
"Only for shoplifting", huh? Gee, my heart bleeds.

Shoplifting is a serious offense, and don't for a second believe otherwise. Consider this a wake-up call, and count yourself lucky if the base ban and some community service is the most you get.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Shoplifting is a serious offense

Well, shoplifting is nothing compared to making yourself GM in a game. Now that's a serious offense.

Hmm, Tokabol got caught doing something stupid, consider me shocked.
Was it west point, by any chance? I know they have a fairly large Jack's there.

[I'm assuming you mean Jack Daniels?]
In response to Airjoe
Any base with which soldiers or enlisted people live on usually have their own shopping stores, so the families living on the bases can get discounted items for such things school supplies, food and some times clothing. And, they usually all have a liquor store for, "recreation".
Serves you right. You should never, ever, take something that isn't yours.
I once stole a pencil from a kid in the first grade.
In response to Airjoe
No it was Camp Pedaltan and it was only a small bottle. $7.50 and I get arrested...
In response to Karasu Kami
Thing is I took a grip of bottles from there before. I've jacked like 5 or 6 bottles in the past and I even jacked a carton of cigarettes(after like 2 packs I quit though). It was just a matter of time before I got caught. I'm not gonna be shoplifting anymore though.

:EDIT: O ya BTW I'm not a drunk, I was getting it to drink with this fine female, you should know why ;) That's pretty much what got me into it is that I got those raging hormones goin on, damn women always causing trouble... j/k
Well. You attempted stealing something. Therefore you deserve to be arrested. Don't whine about stuff like this if you know you did something to deserve it.

Stealing is stealing, your lucky that this country doesn't believe in cutting off the hands/fingers of thieves, otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell us about such a common sense case.

In response to Kusanagi
I have footage of that...

"Faces of Death" X_x
In response to Tokabol
Wait a minute here...

Let's look at the facts:

You, an under drinking age minor, went onto a military base and tried to steal alcohol...

It really doesn't matter how much it cost... You broke a law, with the intent to break another one afterwards... And to top it off, you were stupid enough to do it in the midst of the military... I assume the employees of that store aren't like your average non-caring workers at the local gas station convenience store...

You deserve whatever you got/get...
In response to Tokabol
No offence, but you sound really badcore.
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
No offence, but you sound really badcore.

more like really stupid! :p

aaww man that funny why did you shoplift that dumb if for some reason you go to jail you have a less chance of getting a job! Like they say if you lie you would steal if you steal you would murder..... Thats a bad way to start you life man!