but not me! okay I have this...

icon = 'area.dmi'
icon_state = "start"

How do I make it so like the locate thing this is hard to ask... Like how do I make this so it actually does make you start on the point I put it at?
In the main Login() proc,
(probably in something like New_character.DM)
it should say something like this...


then just change [co-ordinates] to wherever you've place the object in the map. eg. src.loc=locate(81,73,5)

if its for a title screen, you may want to put these as well..

icon = null//so the usr can't see himself/herself on the screen, while the title screen is up.
move = 0//so the usr can walk around while the title screen is up.

In response to Evil Guy
You're telling him nothing he wants to know.

src.loc = locate(/turf/start) //or whatever you called the turf, I can't remember. but this will send him to the location of that turf :P.

move = 0 will not restric the players movement. You need to set it up. move is not a built in var.
In response to Camaro
In response to Majinveku
sorry, i always thought move was a build in var.
My mistake
In response to Majinveku
Now that we're clear that move is not a built in var, let's create one. Except I like to use locked instead :P.
var/locked = 0

return 0

Whenever you want to lock your player, use..
src.locked = 1

In response to Evil Guy
thats okay!