if(src.corpse == 1)
var/image/I = new('items1.dmi',"target",src)
usr.images += I

it says usr.images is a undefined var, I want it to display target on the mob that is clicked on and only the usr can see it.
usr is a mob, not a client. What you need is usr.client.images instead.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
ok when I click on a mob, the image doesnt appear
In response to Rifthaven
Rifthaven wrote:
ok when I click on a mob, the image doesnt appear

At a guess, I'd say the icon_state "target" might not be right--you should double check that it's an exact match to the state you want. The layer should be FLY_LAYER by default, so I don't think that's the problem.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
could you just give me an expample code of where a usr clicks on a mob and a icon appears on the mob that only the usr can see?
In response to Rifthaven
Rifthaven wrote:
could you just give me an expample code of where a usr clicks on a mob and a icon appears on the mob that only the usr can see?

The code you have seems adequate; the only reason I can think of that it might be failing is that you may be using the wrong icon_state for your image.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
The icon_state is right

if(src.corpse == 1)
var/image/I = new('items1.dmi',"target",usr)
usr.client.images += I

here is the code, I want it so the usr can click on a mob or another usr. now is src in this case the usr? if so I want it to be the mob. and for the icon to appear, should in the new be usr or src?
In response to Rifthaven
ok I figured it out, thanks for helping