I did my Christmans Shopping today, and this is what I got:

For my mom:

Beaty and the Beast, Enchanted Christmans DVD: $29.99
Rat Race DVD : $12.99 (Previously owned)

For my Dad:

Showtime DVD (Prev. Owned) : $12.99
Desperado/El Mariachi Combo DVD : $39.99

For my brother:

TMNT2: Secret of the Ooze DVD (Prev. Owned): $12.99
JLA Comic book: $3.95
Batman Graphic Novel : $14.95

That's what I went shopping for. It's my first time being able to get people things for Christmans, I hope they like it.


Merry Christmans!

Secret of the Ooze, that movie was sweet.
What ya should really be hopin is the Dvd player is workin...
Beaty and the Beast, Enchanted Christmans DVD: $29.99

Is this a Christmas edition of Deliverance? And Beatty has two T's.

That's what I went shopping for. It's my first time being able to get people things for Christmans, I hope they like it.

Sounds like you did good. I bet they will love their gifts. Funny, the older you get, the more fun it is to pick out gifts and see if people like them... though it's still fun to get gifts too, of course.
Mum & Dad
Got them a huge £10 card that comes in its own box and stuff. Also got them a £25 Model of some characters from a old TV show (Chamberwick Green, doubt anyone out of UK will know of it)

As much as an annoying brat she has been this year, I choose to take pity on her and bought her a £35 BB Machine Gun and lots of ammo. Its incredible fires at 120 a min :)

Other Sister
She lives away from home so i got her something to mess about with when bored. a simple dart board for £20

=D well we are going to see coldplay in march, so i bought her an official live ep from eBay at £10, also in the eBay shopping mood i bought her a Leeds Festival Guns and Roses bootleg at £10 again, I bought her a top at £25 (which was too big :( ) and some thorntons chocolate flakes for £7, that you can either make hot chocolate with or sprinkle it on the top of stuff.

This too is the first time i have been able to spend more then £10 on each person, so i thought id go overboard and just get kooky stuff for them.
In response to Dog Man
All I did for my Christmas shopping was burn cds, being the lazy guy that I am,=P and could anyone tell me where to get full songs besides KaZaA? The songs on there are dubbed with errors and I need to burn a few more. If I don't I'll look like a cheap b*****d and Santa will give me a lump of coal :(
In response to Tseng True Guerilla
Well I think giving somone pirated software/music is being pretty cheap... infact i dont think it gets much cheaper..
In response to Jacro
What is the point of going out and buying the music when I can burn it for free? By having the booklet and the tracks enlisted on the back going to change the quality of the music?
In response to Jacro
20p for a cd, he does care you know!
In response to Tseng True Guerilla
I dunno about everyone but I'd appriciate it more if the person spent the time to go out and get the CD then if they just sat at home and burned some songs from there computer
In response to Jacro
Hell i spent the whole of last week going out shopping for everyone, :P as my list shows
In response to Jacro
You have a good point there, but i had a 56k modem when i did the first few cds. Did you know how long that took me? I gave my mom one earlier. She said she knew it took me a while to download and find the songs and thanks me for getting it for her. Two hours downloading for her. Is that not time well spent?
In response to Maz
Yeah, the Wal-mart lines had me waiting two hours. It's Christmas Eve and I still don't have a gift for: Grandma,Grandpa, Uncle 1, Uncle 2, Uncle 3, Uncle, 4, Aunt 1, Aunt 2, Aunt 3, Aunt4, Mother, Fa- he doesn't need one, And a host of cousins.
In response to Maz
120 bbs a minute? I've seen ones that fire about 10 a second!

It was £4200, though.