How would i make it so when a person does something like Call A Gm it only sends the message to me
for(var/mob/M in world)
if(M.key == "Koolguy900095")
M << "[]: [msg]"
In response to Dog Man
Gahh! NO! Why do people use for(var/mob/M in world) to locate a PLAYER? All players have a client connected to them. Thus:

for(var/client/C in world)
if(C.key == "KoolGuy#")
C << "[]: [msg]"
In response to Garthor
Hmm I suppose if you had the admins in a list for refrence.
var/admin = input("Select a admin.",) as mob in world
admins += admin
admins << "[] at [usr.x],[usr.y],[usr.z] pages you."

This isn't tested but if you want somthing for paging admins I think this would work. Just make sure u add a saving code that saves the list so you dont loose it.
In response to Green Lime
That won't work because admins returns "/list" and not who's in the list, for it to work you'd have to loop over each item in the list before doing anything with them. Garthor's way is probably best.