Lummox JR wrote

Nobody really gives a crap, and therein lies the problem. I don't complain and whine about the rips. I complain (but don't whine) about the zillion people who actually care that SSJ_Goten_Vegita_567 is using code he got from SaiyanGohanBanana that was secretly swiped from MajinRadditz ,who is UltraGoku9013's evil twin. I complain that the people who do give a crap about those things keep posting about it in General as if it's freaking news. Look, in any group of people where the top 1% are the only ones who know what a pencil looks like, this crap is going to happen.

First thing, my name is spelt with one D not two.
Second thing, swiped?
And last, UltraGoku9013's evil twin?

Not an argument, just try to come to terms with me.


And trying to put all of this in one post, I need to know if it is possibly for an Avatar (face icon) to be a gif. file? And to the point where it moves or animates while you talk. Please help.

That post was an illustration of the fact of what happens in the DBZ world, using random names. The fact that your name is the same as one that was randomly thought up of is merely a coincidence.

Oh, and the answer is no, you can't have animations in the text printout.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
That post was an illustration of the fact of what happens in the DBZ world, using random names. The fact that your name is the same as one that was randomly thought up of is merely a coincidence.

I was about to say the same, but looks like you beat me to it.
Since no ID was listed I had to search for it myself. That was one of my more eloquent days, I guess.

For those who missed the thread, it's better off missed. It was a very long thread full of lots of flames and such. It only popped back up because someone was practicing necromancy; their post to it has been deleted (again).

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
In response to Garthor
Thanks for answering my gif. question, and I knew that my name was just made up for that post, I just wanted to double check, you can't be to sure these days, I wanted to see if Lummox JR was targeting me. Lol :P


This is my last post for the day, its 11:00p.m and I gotta get some sleep. Bye all. Zzz...