![]() Dec 2 2002, 9:56 am
In response to Lesbian Assassin
i said its a part of materialism.
I am a nerd, of the computer variety. I have gone though all of those long elementary school and high school years and I have never been "beaten" for being a nerd. Yes, I was insulted by those who were more ignorant than me, but they were just jealous that I had a better home life and understanding of the concepts being covered at school. I tend to be a loner, though I do have a small group of people that I consider friends, but I could usually go and talk to just about anybody and not worry about being "beaten." I have never been made to do anything for a "bully" like doing his homework or get beat up or any of that crap you see in the movies. Life was just leave each other alone until they needed help, then I tried to help them, very little violence involved (I often got angry at them for not understanding me.)
I don't know where you got the whole disability thing for geeks, to be geeky you just have to act not like the norm. I suppose I too could fall under that category at times. And your whole predicting things sounds very much like a young sci-fi loving geek would say, their friends would think it is awesome, but to everyone else it just plain sounds bad or "stupid" and thus a geek is born! |
You seem to not care about much in life...These things could be very handy when it comes to looking for a good job.
Dareb wrote:
1.I meant their materialistic ways make them overcautious of pain. and so, those bullies who dont really care take advantage of them. That still makes no sense. Perhaps you should be sure you know the meaning of the word before you attempt to use it in a horribly-writ sentence. If you mean that nerds are more sensitive to pain, and thefore vocalize these sensitivities luring bullies to pound on them more, then you should have stated such. You would have been wrong, of course, but at least your thought would have conveyed itself to me in a clearer manner. and i never said materialism is a nerd trait, And, I quote: "...they [nerds] are taken advantage of in school for their sheer materialism " you are a jumpy weasle and you cant even begin to comprehend what I write until I shove it in your face. Another point where you're mistaken. I am a human being. As far as understanding your ill-stated beliefs and pseudo-facts, I comprehend everything you say, even if you don't know how to say it propperly. I "jump" on your posts becuase I feel you're statements are wrong, need clarification, or just plain nonsense. This doesn't mean I do not understand what you are saying, it only means I am curiuos if you do. 2. I dont know what you mean by psycotropic drugs, ive read this sentence quit often and see no problem with it, so i figure you had no sane rebuttal to this. psy·cho·tro·pic adj. Having an altering effect on perception, emotion, or behavior. Used especially of a drug. n. A psychotropic drug or other agent. Your "sentence": "otherwise they would know how the bully is going to turn out and will be able to tolerate the pain" ...makes no sense. People on drugs, especially psychotropic ones, often make no sense. Hence, lay off the drugs. Maybe then you'll be able to communicate with people coherently. 3. You seem to be dictating what I see often enough, Name an instance. I think I should have a chance at dictating what you see., I think otherwise. besides I wasnt. It was a vague reference at how things are done in the society I live in. It was a statement of what I see. You very clearly stated that "You barely see". As I am the one reading it, I take "You" to refer to me. If you wished to state things as you see them, then you should have written your sentence as such: "I barely see..." Hell even I acknowledge the differences between two distinct cities and realize one thing someone says is true, and something another says may seem to be in direct contrast to what that prior man had said and still they would both be correct. Bravo. I'm happy you can think rationally. Perhaps you'll use this new power to better convey your thoughts in the future. If you dont understand what I just said, You shouldnt reply. You capitalized "You" where no capitalization was needed. 4. Dont ever correct me unless I miss-spell, I dont care about grammar and I doubt I ever will. Its a waste of time. Oh, it is, is it? Propper grammar allows you to propperly convey your ideas and express youself. If you ignore it, then do not complain when people state that they are unable to understand what you write. In my opinion, yes, my opinion, grammar is of greater importance than spelling. Everyone fudges a word, every now and again, but most people know how to propperly construct a sentence. That is, most people out of elementary school. 5. "They are often Loners" not "They are always loners" [link] I'll not waste my time re-writting a well-written rebuttle. 6. Like I said, these are my personal perceptions to the world around ME. this is no less true simply because your area deviates. "...these are my personal perceptions to the world..." You impropperly spelled o-f as t-o. Ah, but my area does not deviate. It is where it has always been. If it ever were to deviate, I would be very surprised. I predicted a kids death on the day he died because he pissed me off. I'm shocked you didn't lay claim to his demise, or his soul. I was the only person laughing in the school. What does that say about you? My predictions and ability of foresight is only a different way of perceiving information my brain has processed even though I may not have noticed myself processing it, this information is processed in my mind and pulls out a possible outcome. Perhaps I had overheard them saying they were going to steal a car and go drinking, perhaps they had also said they were going to be out early in the morning around a mall to torment people walking through a parking lot, perhaps I had even processed the information that it has been raining and that night was going to be freezing. Perhaps you told people you knew he was going to die, after he actually did, so they would stop beating you up. All this information could have EASILY come together and been a prediction. Its not so far-fetched now, is it? It could have, but I don't believe it did. I'll stick with the "lying so they'll stop hitting me" theory. It seems more you. Almost everything can be measured, calculated, and reproduced by science. The only major problem are skeptical people saying things cannot exist, preventing science from logically studying it. No one is preventing science from doing whatever science wishes to do, except lack of funding. Much study has gone into paranormal phenomenon, more so than into ways of fighting breast cancer. I think that's sad, but it's what those people wished to invest their dollars, scientists and time into. So, the existance of souls and spirits can be measured, Nope. You're wrong there. Show me this instrament that measures a person's soul. I would like to study the patent application. but once again. Skeptics get in the way and make people feel like idiots for even thinking such a thing. Many people believe in souls. Einstien believed in a soul. Nobody here is saying you're an idiot becuase you believe in souls. I think you're an idiot if you think I'm going to believe you can predict the future and absorb people's souls. Shame on you bastards. Your holding the human race back from powerful discoveries. Now stop questioning every comment I make. As Lexy said, questions are the driving force to new discoveries. If I was to take everything for granted, I would not learn new things as quickly as if I questioned everything. As far as your comments are concerned, I don't expect to learn anything new by questioning them, but I won't exclude them from inquiry becuase of it. ~X |
Dareb doesn't have to worry about getting a job. He has a disability that prevents him from doing things if he doesn't have a better reason than "I have agreed to do this task in exchange for set compensation." Fortunately, he's gifted with lots of surefire ways to make money.
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
both are merely different notations for the same number. How can this be possible? They are the same thing. -DogMan |
But you're wrong. Here, since you're obviously too damned stubborn to look this word up yourself, allow me:
Ripped right from dictionary.com: ma·te·ri·al·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-tîr--lzm) n. Philosophy. The theory that physical matter is the only reality and that everything, including thought, feeling, mind, and will, can be explained in terms of matter and physical phenomena. The theory or attitude that physical well-being and worldly possessions constitute the greatest good and highest value in life. A great or excessive regard for worldly concerns. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ma·teri·al·ist n. ma·teri·al·istic adj. ma·teri·al·isti·cal·ly adv. Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. [Buy it] materialism \Ma*te"ri*al*ism\, n. [Cf. F. mat['e]rialisme.] 1. The doctrine of materialists; materialistic views and tenets. The irregular fears of a future state had been supplanted by the materialism of Epicurus. --Buckminster. 2. The tendency to give undue importance to material interests; devotion to the material nature and its wants. 3. Material substances in the aggregate; matter. [R. & Obs.] --A. Chalmers. Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. materialism n 1: a desire for wealth and material possessions with little interest in ethical or spiritual matters [syn: philistinism] 2: the doctrine that matter is the only reality [syn: physicalism] Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University materialism materialism: in CancerWEB's On-line Medical Dictionary Source: On-line Medical Dictionary, © 1997-98 Academic Medical Publishing & CancerWEB Nowhere does it say anything about pain. ~X |
ok, im replying to most of these replies. And i mean this in the best possible way which im not meaning to offend everyone. Are you guys a buncha weaklings which has no social life and spends most of his/her time on his/her computer?
Try reading it all before trying to prove me wrong with a reference. Ive pointed arrows to where it mentions how I'm right.
Xooxer wrote: But you're wrong. Here, since you're obviously too damned stubborn to look this word up yourself, allow me:
Zlegend2 wrote:
Are you guys a buncha weaklings which has no social life and spends most of his/her time on his/her computer? Do you honestly think anyone would admit to that? And if they said they werent like that would you even belive them. Sort of a pointless question when you think about it. -DogMan |
In that context:
Feeling == emotion No one is arguing that physical sensations are physical in nature, duh. The way you used the word was wrong, though, becuase you were not refering to emotion, you were refering to physical sensations. Pain is not an emotion. Fear is an emotion. Think before you type. ~X |
My short-comings are completely social. But i used to be alot worse.
If I were able to self diagnose myself by looking at the past, I'd say I am suffering from a mild autism. Except of course for the fantasy crap which I only resort to saying in times of stress which may have a coincidence into future occurances which cant be helpful. And no, shiny objects dont attract my attention. And my attention span is top-notch when Im interested in something.. but absolute crap when Im not. So think what you will. But know even though I may argue some fantasy crap when im excited not even I believe it's true. |
Dareb wrote:
so you deny the fact that pain is physical? No. You are so...nevermind. "No one is arguing that physical sensations are physical in nature, duh" Read before you reply! ~X |