I propose a dare.. a strange dare for those skeptic.. it will seem awkward.. and if it seems awkward for you. dont do it.. I and others like me wont think any less of you if you dont perform this dare..

The worst that could happen.. is nothing..

The dare is this..

I dare you skeptics out there to call out to alien beings in every way you know.. just call to them.. im not joking.. call them. not on the phone.. but with telepathy, use any means you find whether it seems strange or not dont just give up.. call to them. they whoever..

Use morse code, do anything to get their attention.. get into groups and call them.. if they dont come..

Well, if they dont come.. it further strengthens the skeptics case, now doesnt it.. But its the one thing skeptics havent done to disprove the existance...

Sometimes the best way to prove yourself is not to prove yourself right. but to prove through other peoples means that they aren't right.. complicated? no.. just do it
I already tried calling them, but I called God by accident. Shortly after, my phone was eaten by a cloud of locust.
In response to Garthor
They put me on hold.Do you know how annoying alien hold music is, it's like some horrible techno/jazz hybrid.
ha ha ho he ha ho ha he he ha ho hi ha he ho ha hi hu he ha. I simple dont care if aliens exsist, although i believe somewere out in the vastness of space, they are there.
The worst that could happen.. is nothing..

Oh, come on now... surely you have a better imagination than that!

Me, I don't think I'll try it, for the same reason I shy away from Ouija boards. I run into enough problems without sending out invitations.
You know... I don't deny the existence of aliens... That to me sounds very ignorant... I mean, how could it be statistically possible for only one planet out of the billions upon billions of planets out there to have had the happy accident of growing life? I just can't believe that this third rock from Sol is the only one...

So aliens I definitely believe in...

As for ghosts/spirits/etc... My firm belief is that our bodies are nothing more than highly advanced biochemical machines...driven by highly advanced biochemical computers... Once the machine ceases to function, I see it like pulling the plug on your computer... No power, no function... Any "data" or "programs" inside essentially cease to exist... (no battery backup to retain stored

So in effect I feel that we're completely gone once we die... Wiped from existence... No spirit to go on because I believe that the body is what creates our "spirit"... If the body no longer functions, then there is no longer a "soul"...

So I am definitely skeptic of the concept of spirits and an afterlife...

And on that note, I will say that I'd feel extremely awkward trying to make contact with something I so firmly So I don't see myself attempting this dare anytime soon... I'd never be able to take it seriously enough to do it... Even messing with a Ouiji board, I just can't help but laugh and goof around with

However, I understand your concept... I just don't feel the need to strengthen my beliefs through proving you wrong because in my own mind, my beliefs are completely solid...

Speaking of all of this, I was reading an article earlier today about John Edward (the guy who claims to be speaking with the dead relatives of random audience members on his show "Crossing Over") and all I could think of was how skeptical I was of the whole thing... But I couldn't help but be fascinated at the same time... I was toying with the notion of if I were dead, how I'd try to get the message across through a medium like that in a way that would prove that I was really there talking to him... I decided that a cool way would be to have him mention the letters "S S G X" Not something that he could have easily guessed or dug up before the show... But something that only a handful of people around me know, and isn't that easily researched... If he were to tell them that I had said those letters, then it'd be instant proof as far as I'm concerned... But of course, by then, I wouldn't need the

But anyways, I'll remain blissfully "ignorant" of spirits if they do in fact exist... It hasn't hurt me any way so
Well, if they dont come.. it further strengthens the skeptics case, now doesnt it.. But its the one thing skeptics havent done to disprove the existance...

Why do the skeptics have to do it? If the believers are trying their little hearts out and nothing flies down from the heavens, isn't that proof enough? Granted, it would add to the body of evidence, but it's a pretty long shot.

Moreover, skeptics do do this stuff. Not all skeptics, necessarily, just the devoted ones. Unfortunately, unlike your argument would have people believe, it's a crappy way to go about proving anything, because no amount of sitting around broadcasting whatever sort of signals, real or imagined, will ever disprove the existence of anything out in space. If you do contact an intelligence out there and it contacts you back, well, that proves the skeptics wrong, and if you don't, it doesn't do much at all to prove them right--it only swings the odds a tiny, insignificant bit.

Fortunately, it works both ways; since both believers and nonbelievers have been trying everything they can imagine for at least a couple decades--or millenia, really, since there's really no reason to discount the eons of religious rites that have been going on--and there's still been no discernable answer, the odds of any new attempts doing what old attempts failed to are looking pretty slim, slim enough that expecting anyone to expend a huge effort to prove anything is absurd.

By way of example, I propose the following counter-dare: if you deposit 10000 BYONDdimes in my wallet as a free gift and never ask anything in return, there's a chance that neon blue colored ponies from space will at some point fly down from outer space and have a beach volleyball party on your front lawn (or the closest reasonable approximation thereof). Hence you should give me $1000 or you'll never know what kinds of wacky blue-space-pony fun you'll be missing out on!
Ah. This is part of your plan to bring about the end of the world for people you don't like. Trick us into calling down the apocalypse.
In response to Lesbian Assassin you see its just that....erm.. uh....theres this all about....ugh.. BYE!!

*dashes out the door*
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
want it to >:)
In response to Gughunter
nobody untrained in , or uneducated in the essense of spirits demonology, astrology, spirituality, or as a whole.. religion should EVER mess with ouija boards. It angers me to infinity when i hear of people messing with powers they cannot control.

Because messing with Ouija boards is like sending a letter to all dimensions with a picture of your bare butt, cheeks spread. signed, kiss this. (input name here)

Theres absolutely no saying what can happen with that.. but calling a benign species which in my belief are not extra-terrestrial, but inner-terrestrial. would only aid people who are ready for the truth.

But at this time. for people as a whole to know if the existance of aliens were true, theres still racism to our own race as human beings how could they possibly tolerate another intelligent species? theres enough animosity towards dolphins as is.

With the technology that aliens have as far as claims go, people would be downright jealous. and in the hands of people too immature to care about what they are doing to others could start wars.

So, an intelligent species would never let itself be known to us. They arent necessarily afraid of us. more of what we would become.. like spitting on a hill of army ants. if you ever watched really closely the big ones cripple the smaller ones in the panic.

..... well.. there are points in there. but ive been blabbing too much to remember what they were.

oh well, filter through :D
In response to Dareb
And that, my friends, solves the case of the missing door.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
*steals the door*