I'm thinking about making a game to counter Zeta's popularity, I would like to kill the ambitions of all the rippers out there by showing them it's been done a hundred times and It's been done better as well.

I need some suggestions. I won't disclose any details of what I have done, only Joshros, Majar, and my Nephew have even seen anything of the game so far.

I want to include a quest system, I also want to include a system that will not allow you to have the names of DBZ related characters, or self given subtitles (SSJ, Majin, Mystic, etc.) I also don't want to put in all these attacks that are DBZ character specific. I'm probably going to omit the Kamehameha wave attack, because my game is based 57 years after Dragonball GT, Trunks, Gohan, Goten, Vegita, and all the other people in all of the series have died, many other saiyans have come and gone from earth, etc. Super saiyans are very rare, etc.

The only people left in the universe from the series are the 6 kais, you know, North, South, East, and West kai, the grand kai, and the supreme kai. Oh, yeah, and Dende will be the guardian of Earth.

There will be three sets of dragonballs, the earth, namek, and the Black Star Dragonballs. There will be 20 planets, 3 of which are from the series, I'm making it so that the Saiyan homeworld was re-created with the Black Star Dragonballs, and the planet the wish was made from is in pieces (if the Black Star Dragonballs aren't returned to the planet the wish was made on in under a year, it is destroyed. The Dragonballs spread all over the universe, on random planets, etc. The blackstar dragonballs are only for evil wishes.)

Basically, other than this, I'm short on ideas. I think I'll make it so that Nameks refuse to wear Saiyan armor, scouters, and any other saiyan stuff. I'm thinking about making saiyans a little bit weaker in the mental area than in most games, because the rest of the races tremble in the presence of a Saiyan in every other game. I'm making a supernamek transformation, but no superhuman, no superandroid forms, because there aren't any of these in the games. I WILL, however make it so that an android can be upgraded with parts as it goes, so that it can BECOME a super namek, just not transform. And humans can learn techniques quickly and easily, so that they, in the end become just as good as Saiyans, who learn techniques slowly, and can't develop techniques without a massively huge amount of time.

Also, I think I might make it so that you can make your own moves, and make the poses cutomized as well, just wait to see this one... I know I can do it... gimme some time.

I think I will also make an alternative to 'chi' in the game for androids, who can use parts to fly, absorb chi attacks, shoot projectiles, even in some instances rebound chi attacks back to their owners.

I would like to make as many races I can in this, but the icons are getting pretty hard to pump out... I may put a link up for some screenshots... You'd see why then...

I also would make a basic alignment, how players simply CAN'T start out with a good saiyan, and if they do, and leave the planet Vegita, their name will be on a bounty list in Saiyan controlled areas... Oh, and multiple currencies, a different one on every planet, Zenni on earth, no currency on Namek, everything is earned by either work, or by trade, a credit system on Vegita, where you work, but don't get actual money, you get a certain ammount of credits. Humans, Androids, Bio-Androids, Nameks, and any other good races/characters aren't allowed on planet vegita. Any race is allowed on earth, and only good races are allowed on Namek. Icers and Bio-Androids should always dodge big cities, shops won't sell to them, and Nameks hate them, Saiyans fear Icers, so they are allowed on Vegita, but Bio-Androids aren't. Androids are never engineered for good, so only evil androids are allowed to be worked on by DR. Seynus, which means that good Androids can't be upgraded. And Bio-Androids can only absord a few cells off players, not whole players. Absorbing a few cells gives them a +5% of the victim's stats boost to all stats, and one random technique of that user's personal attacks, if they can't use the technique, they don't get the technique. And they can only hold 5 people's DNA at a time, and only one copy of a specific victim's DNA at a time. Also, An unwilling host must be absorbed only if they are unconscious or incapacitated in some way. An evil Bio-Android will absorb anyone except for other Bio-Androids, A neutral Bio-Android will only absord other Neutral Bio-Androids, or evil bio-androids, and a good Bio-Android will only absorb Evil Bio-Androids. Nameks will have fusion, but only with dying PCs, and only for the duration of their death. The PC's spirit goes on to the next world, but their strength stays within the other Namek's body. When the First namek comes back from the spiritworld, if they do so, they split apart, rather painfully from their host (The other Namek loses the fusion if he logs out.). Also, the fusion must be voluntary by both parties.

The fusion dance will also be included, but it must be voluntary by both people, and both must choose who is in control of the form. As long as both parties agree to stay in this form, and both parties are of similar race, gender, height, power level, and age, the form can be held until either: one person in the transformation tries to log out, one decides to leave the form, the stats of the two are averaged, and then multiplied by three, and the techniques are combined. The clothes will be combined in some way, either the clothes themselves will be swapped, or the colors will combine, so that the clothing of one stays, and the color of the other's is applied to the current clothes.

I think Armor should constrict movement after a while, like the maximum speed in armor would be let's say, 60 or something like that. I only want this, because armor should only be useful to low-mid level fighters, the higher level fighters should either be tough enough to withstand a few hits, or fast enough to dodge/block them.

I need more suggestions... This game will be huge...
Violence only leads to more Violence.

Making a DBZ games leads to more DBZ games.

Havn't you noticed yet?
Make sure all graphics are 100% new. Try to include females. Have both Trunks in it. Don't Have aspecific level for going ssj or so on. I have it depend on how this person plays the games. Have enrage to major addition to your powerlevel but only hold for 10 - 30 secs... I could give you a hole list of stuff... Want me to go on???
Two words:

Talking Skateboards.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Uhhh.... What???

Goku: Hey mr. Skateboard could I do a quest for you???
Talking Skateboard: Sure You see this guy named frieza took my wheel could you kill him and get it back for me. I'll pay 10,000 zennie.
Goku: Sure(Sneaks to store and buys a wheel)
Goku: I killed him!!!
Talking Skateboard: Thanx but I'm not a Skateboard I'm Buu...

In response to Codesterz
Codesterz wrote:
Make sure all graphics are 100% new. Try to include females. Have both Trunks in it. Don't Have aspecific level for going ssj or so on. I have it depend on how this person plays the games. Have enrage to major addition to your powerlevel but only hold for 10 - 30 secs... I could give you a hole list of stuff... Want me to go on???

As much as I hate to contribute to any kind of DBZ game, let me say that those are decent suggestions (except I have no idea what the Trunks thing is about, since it's DBZ-specific).

If you take the rage suggestion, let me offer this advice: It should only be allowed after certain provocations, each contributing "points" that can be fired up once you reached a certain threshold--these points would diminish over a long time, like say 50% an hour. The points would determine how long you could stay enraged. Provocation could include seeing an ally in serious trouble, getting hurt yourself, having something stolen, what have you. Some characters in any decent role-playing environment would have sharper tempers than others; they should be easier to provoke, with a lower threshold for becoming enraged, but should likewise receive less benefit from the rage because it's a more common experience for them.

There. I've contributed an idea to a DBZ project. I feel dirty.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Here's a suggestion... don't give any code to people who say they will be mappers for you.
In response to Sariat
There's the kid trunks the future Trunks leave out the GT trunks
Those are all dandy ideas but... does it have to be a 'you know what' game? It could just as easily be an original idea. You're the one who's always complaining about DBZ anyways. And here you go, using everyone that ever made a DBZ games excuse. You are such a hypocrite -_-
In response to Sariat
How about this...don't make it an Action/RPG like every other Dragonball game out there. You shouldn't have too much trouble thinking this one out. Throw something inventive into the battle system so it's different from all the rest.
In response to Garthor
Ooh! A more relevent suggestion: make it a side-scroller.
In response to Ghaleon
(Senormofo's mini rant on dbz games)I know mabey you just shouldn't have anything in the DBZ game at all? You could actuly, be creative? Mabey you could get a decent idea for a game? :P
In response to Codesterz
...I guess you need to watch the show to find it funny.

(Kind of like when I joke around with hilarious forum posts with my brother. He just raises an eyebrow. You have to be there to find it funny. =P)
In response to Spuzzum
No... I watch the show and I still didn't think that was that
Can we discuss what an INDECENT Dragonball game would have in it? That would be funny on so many levels...
In response to Lesbian Assassin
The name DragonBall in it.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Well, if we did, we'd have to get Alathon to close this thread. =P
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Codesterz wrote:
Make sure all graphics are 100% new. Try to include females. Have both Trunks in it. Don't Have aspecific level for going ssj or so on. I have it depend on how this person plays the games. Have enrage to major addition to your powerlevel but only hold for 10 - 30 secs... I could give you a hole list of stuff... Want me to go on???

As much as I hate to contribute to any kind of DBZ game, let me say that those are decent suggestions (except I have no idea what the Trunks thing is about, since it's DBZ-specific).

If you take the rage suggestion, let me offer this advice: It should only be allowed after certain provocations, each contributing "points" that can be fired up once you reached a certain threshold--these points would diminish over a long time, like say 50% an hour. The points would determine how long you could stay enraged. Provocation could include seeing an ally in serious trouble, getting hurt yourself, having something stolen, what have you. Some characters in any decent role-playing environment would have sharper tempers than others; they should be easier to provoke, with a lower threshold for becoming enraged, but should likewise receive less benefit from the rage because it's a more common experience for them.

There. I've contributed an idea to a DBZ project. I feel dirty.

Lummox JR

I have it worse..I have to help my brother CODE his DBZ Game. <_<
In response to Hanns
Why do you HAVE to? Will he beat you up or something?
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