Hey, you know that fresh start thing? In case you're keeping track, you're not doing terribly well this time around, either... this is not only not science, it also does not have any recognizable foundation in philosphy, religion, metaphysical system, or theology. In short, it's no more than a bunch of ideas you've had, backed up by nothing in particular. In a word: opinions.
There's nothing in particular wrong with that, unless you're the sort of person who routinely accuses other people of stating their opinions as facts. But you haven't done anything like that since we agreed to the fresh start, and I just know you'll never do such a thing in the future. It would be awfully hypocritical.
well, I wanted to gain some weight, so I ate a high carb diet, and started lifting weights, I went from 1% muscle mass 90 lb. 7th grader to 145 lb. 4% muscle mass(average) 9th grader, I haven't worked out in a month, and I feel a little better about my skinniness, but I am still unnatrually skinny, but now I have a decent set of abs, and a good set of arms, of course, I still eat as much as I want whenever, but you know, my weight is spread out, I'm like 6' 0" now... I'd advise working out, it's not good if you want to lose weight, but if you want to be able to do more than one chinup, you might want to try it.
Well, I *was* actually referring to the whole mix. McDonalds is what I would call "power-food" -- it's like 5 pounds of spaghetti compressed into bar form. ("Hospital, please.")
If McDonalds was bombed and destroyed, everyone would eat healthier. In any case, in my opinion, the key isn't to get rid of carbohydrates or protein or fat -- it's to eat until you're satisfied, and not a single bite more. If you get hungry on a diet, then eat something. But don't throw anything out of proportion -- don't eat massive plates of veggies because you're avoiding meat, and don't splurge on an entire wedding cake. Of course, I was born with a naturally high metabolism (I heal very quickly, get muscle mass with hardly any work, rarely have to go to the bathroom, and retain a fine skinniness despite downing a whole 5-pound bag of saltwater taffy every week or so), so I might not be the best person to make opinions on the matter. And, heck, I might even have to turn to that book when my metabolism changes as I get older. (While we are talking about my health status, I'm a little calcium deficient -- my elbow snapped far too easily in 2000 when I tripped. I despise milk, though -- something about liquid squeezed from the teat of an animal just doesn't appeal to me. And I definitely don't want to take any calcium supplements... ...Don't mind cheese, though. Somehow, the thought of eating bacterially fermented cream isn't as bad as fresh milk. I know, I'm strange.) |
Nonsense, if you want to do more than one chin up, you need to eat lots of sugary snacks and have no exercise. In no time at all, you will have all the chins up that you need.
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Anyone who wants a real guide to eating healthy, not this food pyramid crap that's been keeping Americans overweight, keeping Americans diabetic and giving Americans heart attacks since its inception, I heartily recommend Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution My father is on this diet, and it works like a charm. Although I myself could never adhere to the dietary restrictions. Then again im very picky, a diet wouldn't exactly help. Alathon\\ |
eat a concrete spider with some water and tell me what you feel the next day.
eating the flesh of other creatures is evil thats why in the bible it tells us to never eat anything that still has its blood in it. because it is hiding and keeping people safe from the chaos that could ensue if people knew what could happen to them if they ate things alive. Surely there can be no proof of the matter but to say it isnt philosophy is to refuse and ignore the catholic/christian/and wiccan beliefs.. combined in the great comedy of life on the large table where the jigsaw puzzle goes these things match up. However I could be wrong, sometimes when you put pieces of a jigsaw together they look right until you reveal more of the picture. Yes this is merely speculation but its the educated kind. My uncle is pure wiccan and ate spiders weekly. he didnt work out much but his muscles were huge. i have no way of proving anything to any of you or to myself yes this is opinion. but thats not to say there isnt fact behind it, eat a spider see what happens. worst that could happen is you could contract some horrible disease :D |
RaeKwon wrote:
the germans are secretly training squirrels to infultrate high security military bases such as Area 51 so they can steal American technology!! LIKE MY THEORY??? ....You need serious help.... ~Stimulus~ |
If you see your ribs your starving yourself. Thats the warning point.. never go on a crash diet not without knowing what nutrition is..
You see.. your stomache is like a stretchable bag.. normally its around the size of your fist, relaxed.. Now if you starve yourself it will become very relaxed. and so if you eat alot all of a sudden the stomache expands and since it hasnt done that for a long time you feeel strange.. so more often then not your food will come back up. If you starve yourself or go through starvation by some means that is beyond your control. re-introduce your body slowly. soups, juices, milk. if you know what your doing you can get all the vital nutrition from juices alone. |
hey, ive seen those squirrels. it went into an old water pipe that leads deep into the city.. i wonder why
I've sort of had my eye on carbohydrates lately too. There certainly seems to be something behind this.
Of course excesive intake of fat helps no one. Fat will indeed make you fat, but those who cut it, almost invariably compensate by a higher calorie and carb intake. Cutting out something bad does no one any good if they replace it with something else just as bad or worse. That being said, are you sure you're getting enough spider lately, Lexy? I've heard somewhere that you can magically take on its spirit if you eat one. Or maybe its evilness. Or get sick. How did that go again? |
Dareb wrote:
eating the flesh of other creatures is evil thats why in the bible it tells us to never eat anything that still has its blood in it. because it is hiding and keeping people safe from the chaos that could ensue if people knew what could happen to them if they ate things alive. If you're going to use the Bible as the basis of your morality, that's fine; but it doesn't say eating flesh is evil. It says not to eat meat with the blood still in it (which is repeated in the New Testament), but it doesn't say to eschew all meat. In fact the New Testament eases many of the restrictions of the Judaic law (such as not eating pigs) by declaring them obsolete. Surely there can be no proof of the matter but to say it isnt philosophy is to refuse and ignore the catholic/christian/and wiccan beliefs.. combined in the great comedy of life on the large table where the jigsaw puzzle goes these things match up. However I could be wrong, sometimes when you put pieces of a jigsaw together they look right until you reveal more of the picture. Catholicism is Christianity. Christianity and Wicca have very little in common, and many of the beliefs involved are incompatible. Yes this is merely speculation but its the educated kind. My uncle is pure wiccan and ate spiders weekly. he didnt work out much but his muscles were huge. Huge muscles can come from all kinds of things, but simple biochemistry will tell you that spiders alone don't have the mass to deliver enough protein. Whether the spider might release certain hormones or other chemicals is another matter, but I doubt very much that eating a spider a week gives you strong muscles. i have no way of proving anything to any of you or to myself yes this is opinion. I think perhaps it'd be better, if there was any expectation of results, to set up a scientific study with a control group and everything. Individual observations aren't going to be very reliable. Lummox JR |
Lol i love the song at taco bell in that movie
"Good things in the garden, garden in the valley, valley of the jolly green giant, giant giant!" |
Dareb wrote:
So will eating human flesh allow you to gain strength? No.. but it could allow you to live forever.Dude, seriously, what ARE you smoking? The theory behind immortality is simple- You just need to regenerate cells faster than they die. Thing is, your body decomposes faster and faster, so you would need ever increasing regeneration rates. It would eventually overcome you. But, I'm not a scientist, just a logical thinker, so I could be wrong. |
I ate more frequently and in less portions.
I listened to my body to what it wanted to eat and i ate it.
guess what.
In 3 months without working out i lost 100 lbs
and have maintained that weight since then.. I still dont eat meals but i do eat well.
Learn about nutrition... and listen to your body, since metabolism varies between each person...
Then.. do as you wish.