![]() May 26 2002, 3:27 pm
In response to Lummox JR
I think I've said one one cuss word in my life, and I don't believe I've ever typed one :oP Quite plainly, I don't like that kind of language, and I'm not inclined to use it.
Foomer wrote:
I think it's sad when people start calling each other names over pi. *Shakes Foomers hand* Quit it people. All over the world there is fighting, and you have to do it as well over a number? /Andreas |
Spuzzum wrote:
LittleKid15 wrote: Rude I am not. I like to use those words because they are descriptive. So until I learn words that aren't curse words but just as descriptive I'll use those words. i have no clue what callous is. Yes I am immature even though I'm 15. It is who I am and if you can't accept that then like I said before, shuv it. cause was a typo. I am not aggresive, me never even being in a fight before can help vouge for that and I live in school with the so called thugs(I prefer idiots) and people who antagonize things more than anyone I know, who are people I hate. And I never said you were my enemies. I said that I was done with the cursing because I am not one to break the rules, which you took out of this message. In the end, my previous messages purpose was to simply add my 2 cents which you cut out too. I will apologize for something though. I added too much cursing because like you said I am immature and I got carried away. Sorry for that. Where does "not [...] really affected who I am" fall into there? Please don't tell me you were born a vicious little prick. |
I like to give my 2 cents with things like this and when someone tries to show me up about I usally just let them, because I am a pushover, but I got tired of being a pushover and I tried to stick up for myself in this little battle we all are having. Apparently i'm not very good with it. Now after realizing all of that and reading over most of the stuff that was posted on this. I just decided that it is all stupid and we all seem to be resolved in our thoughts right now, so we should quit. Who agrees?
PS. I can juggle and I like rock music |
LittleKid15 wrote:
I like to give my 2 cents with things like this and when someone tries to show me up about I usally just let them, because I am a pushover, but I got tired of being a pushover and I tried to stick up for myself in this little battle we all are having. Apparently i'm not very good with it. Now after realizing all of that and reading over most of the stuff that was posted on this. I just decided that it is all stupid and we all seem to be resolved in our thoughts right now, so we should quit. Who agrees? i agree |
Let me just say.....
Mr. Mackey: There are times when you get suckered in By drugs and alcohol and sex with women-mmkay But its when you do these things too much That you've become an addict and must get back in touch You can do it Its all up to you-mmkay With a little plan you can change your life today You dont have to spend your life addicted to smack Homeless on the streets giving ####jobs for crack Follow my plan and very soon you will say, its easy mmkay Step 1: Instead of a## say buns, like "kiss my buns" or "you're a buns hole" Step 2: Instead of s### say poo, as in "bull poo", "poo head" and this "poo is cold" Step 3: With b#### drop the t cuz bich is latin for generosity Step 4: Dont say f### any more cuz f### is the worst word that you can say So just use the word mmkay! Children: We can do it its all up to us-mmkay (mmkay) With a little plan we can change our lives today Mr, Mackey: you can change it today Everyone: We don't have to spend our lives shootin up in the trash Homeless on the streets giving handjobs for cash Follow this plan and very soon you will say Its easy mmkay! Mr. Mackey: Step 1 Children: Instead of a## say buns, like kiss my buns or you're a buns hole Mr. Mackey: Step 2 Children: Instead of s### say poo, as in bull poo, poo head and this poo is cold Mr. Mackey: Step 3 Children: With b#### drop the t cuz bich is latin for generosity Mr. Mackey: Step 4 Children: Dont say f### any more Everyone: Cuz f### is the worst word that you can say Children: F### is the worst word that you can say We shouldn't say f###, no we shouldn't say f###, f### nooooo!!! Mr. Mackey: Your cured, you can go! Everyone: We don't have to spend our lives shootin up in the trash Homeless on the streets giving handjobs for cash Follow this plan and very soon you will saaay Its easy mmkay! Children: It's easy mmkay! Mr. Mackey: It's easy mmkay! Children: It's easy mmkay! Mr. Mackey: It's easy mmkaaaaaaaayy Children: It's easy mm It's easy mm It's easy mm It's easy mmkaaaay (both finish at same time) (laughing) Mr. Mackey: Mmkay Mmkay Mmkay |
RaeKwon wrote:
Lummox, let me explain afew things to you. Nope, I never have. I don't use that kind of language, period. The most I've ever done is include it in a quote from someone's original message (like in this case). If you had half a brain in your head, you'd have noticed that. But what the heck, at least you've set the challenge yourself and I won't have to bother. You'll waste a long time in your futile pursuit, so hopefully the forums will be a better place in the meantime. That is, unless you figure out how to use the Search feature. And, for the fact i dont care about you, nor will i ever, i got nothing against about 80% of the people here, but you, are on the top. You're right; I probably am on top of 80% of the people here. That wouldn't be true in all communities, but this one does have plenty of DBZers, including people like yourself. I thank you for the accidental compliment. You act like your so big, i dont care how big you are, realy. The previous paragraph aside, I'm not aware of "acting big" in previous posts. As a rule I do nothing of the kind. But I've noticed that the belligerent variety of trolls to which you belong has a tendency to see anyone who earns a modicum of respect as somehow "acting better". It's a childish reaction, really, the old cliché of an uneducated surly guy getting on the case of some other guy who just got out of college. It's such a bad plot device that it's a shame to see its equivalent in real life, but there you have it. Your running around with your nose in the air, why? cause you know afew big words? Woodi-do, i couldnt give 2 smurfs I do use big words frequently; what of it? They're a part of my vocabulary. I don't use them to show off, but that's what you're projecting on me--I'd guess it's because that's what you'd do in my place. But even you can acknowledge we're not alike. Since I do use these words normally, why should I go to the extra trouble of dumbing down my posts just for your sake? You're so obsessed that someone comes off looking better than you (in one way or another) without trying that your only explanation is that they must somehow be doing it to put you down. Well grow up, kid. Not everyone is going to stoop to monosyllables just to coddle your self-esteem. You don't have to use big words to be a big man, and it doesn't take a lot of thought to realize that. Contributation: As you said, i have Contributed to BYOND, yes, in alot more ways then anyone, i made a game to stop the rips, so you people dont whine and complain about all the zeta rips, i stoped that by releaseing my new version, not even a thanks, i admit Sure i released "Another" DBZ game, but it stopped about 50 rips like Genesis didnt it? Yes, it has. Nobody really gives a crap, and therein lies the problem. I don't complain and whine about the rips. I complain (but don't whine) about the zillion people who actually care that SSJ_Goten_Vegita_567 is using code he got from SaiyanGohanBanana that was secretly swiped from MajinRadditz, who is UltraGoku9013's evil twin. I complain that the people who do give a crap about those things keep posting about it in General as if it's freaking news. Look, in any group of people where the top 1% are the only ones who know what a pencil looks like, this crap is going to happen. Zeta is from the looks the most Popular DBZ game on BYOND right now, and from the looks it usually has more players then any other game, Warriors of Ryuuza is having alot now to, so don't go telling me you could live with out me. I could live without all the DBZers. If you were all to vanish some morning, I'd be puzzled briefly but chalk it up to benevolent fate and move on. The few DBZ fans left (who don't fit the description of a DBZer) would still be welcome. As for now, ive said enough, just dont be posting back with your 5 year colledge words cause i aint got the time to look them up, damn Lummox, you hit the Loonie bin again. About the only thing you got right in that entire tirade is that I went to college for 5 years. Incidentally, most of the words you think I'm using just to impress you I knew before I went. This is just me, and I'm not doing it to put you down. I can do that easily enough by other means, and on far better grounds. Having a smaller vocabulary does not make you less of a person, nor would I ever try to imply such a thing; what makes you less of a person is your nasty behavior. Lummox JR |
Hey hey hey... you're burying my limmerick thread ( [link] )before it's even got going.
A curious man named Lummox was rumored to have multiple stomachs. And if he would guess, I would say, "Yes, The point of this poem is to flummox." |
I could have commented that pi isn't equal to anything but the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 1. But I didn't. there would have been no reason to say that ish about the diameter being equal to one.....one times pi, would still give you a irrational decimal... jesus, why do i have to correct the blatantly ignorant *cough*spuzzum*end cough* |
at least dracon has a way of doing things...he tries not to confuse the moronic so that everyone will understand him...unlike you spuzzum, you learn one new thing and have to lecture every damn person about it
whoops, excuse the language, oh please dont correct me spuzzum it would be SOOOOO ironic *i hope you see the sarcasm,or else you are the ignorance you speak of* |
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Hey hey hey... you're burying my limmerick thread ( [link] )before it's even got going. Dang. I'll have to take a crack at it here, then. ;) Said Lexy in meter sublime, "Write a limerick if you have time." So I studied her ditty And although it was witty I thought that its point was to rhyme. Lummox JR |
there would have been no reason to say that ish about the diameter being equal to one.....one times pi, would still give you a irrational decimal... *blinks* I'm sorry, did someone just try to insult me? That insult of yours was very soft; it didn't even damage my opinion of you. Of course, I don't have a very high opinion of you in the first place, but whatever was there isn't hurt (heck, I've been defending you against people who claim you're GreenDice). (Well, that's not the complete truth. It damaged my opinion of you with regards to your insult ability -- or lack thereof). Anyway, you dodged the point of my post altogether. I wasn't trying to correct your facts, I was shooting down your idiotic claim that I correct people all the time. I rarely correct people: if/when I do correct people, it's meant in good fun, and done to the people I associate with on a regular basis within the BYOND communities. Unless, of course, as I recounted before, they're blatantly wrong, blatantly stupid, and/or blatantly ignorant. You meet two of those criteria so far. Since I'm more or less satisfied that point has been drilled into your thick skull (regardless of whether you accept it or not), I'll take my leave now. I'm not in the mood to carry on a debate with someone who attempts -- and fails -- to use my words against me, anyway. Good night! =) |
Spuzzum wrote:
there would have been no reason to say that ish about the diameter being equal to one.....one times pi, would still give you a irrational decimal... ok if you didnt really have an opinion of me...then why would you keep insulting me or trying to prove me wrong as to get back at me...you must think something of me or else you wouldnt care to read my posts... i dont really need anyone to defend me against being called some kind of clone of green dice because the fact remains that i am not him, nor will i have ever been...why would i want a be a forum outcast like green dice huh? answer me that son.... ahh so you "rarely" correct people, yet i have seen about 5 posts today of you correctin me, rcet i believe it was and some other fellow....if you dont do it often, why would you do it so much in such a short amount of time... i dont feel i even have to try and insult you...you show your stupidity and more or less insult yourself with each post you continuously put out...." i dont correct people hardly ever"-yet you do it right now and about a couple times a day... i am proud that you actually connect personally with people on a forum...people you will never meet, people who could fake their personalities....do you know what clubs are or lemme think, bars are? thats where you go and talk to people, using your voice, not your keyboard, and connect with them...i am proud to say that a 15 year old just kicked your ass and any reply to this post would show some more of you correcting people and that would in turn having you be a hypocrite *sarcastic* ooh burned, spuzzum, i burned you...although i didnt have to try in the first place *smirk on his face and critical eyes look at your posts and wonder why this person ever got outta middle school* |
Well, might as well keep going. I suppose I could compliment you for your perseverance, but it far closer resembles stubbornness.
ok if you didnt really have an opinion of me...then why would you keep insulting me or trying to prove me wrong as to get back at me...you must think something of me or else you wouldnt care to read my posts... I never said I didn't have an opinion of you. I said I had a low opinion of you. Having no opinion of you would imply that I looked at you like a neutral party. I don't look at you like you're neutral. I look at you like you're a moron. I don't even look at you in a Derek Smart-the-Moron sense: Derek Smart actually has intelligence, but a personality that could gag a cat. You have the personality that could gag a cat, granted, but I've yet to see any signs of the intelligence. i dont really need anyone to defend me against being called some kind of clone of green dice because the fact remains that i am not him, nor will i have ever been...why would i want a be a forum outcast like green dice huh? answer me that son.... And you just affirmed that you were indeed GreenDice, son. What mannerism does GreenDice tend to employ, son? I'll give you a hint, son. It has to do with a particular noun being added onto the ends of sentences, son. That's saying nothing of the fact that a 15-year-old calling his senior "son" is highly strange. ahh so you "rarely" correct people, yet i have seen about 5 posts today of you correctin me, rcet i believe it was and some other fellow....if you dont do it often, why would you do it so much in such a short amount of time... I'll gladly keep correcting you to the ends of the Earth, since you're blatantly wrong, stupid, and ignorant. Just because I often correct you doesn't mean I often correct people. It just means I often correct you. I'm not even sure I'd group you into the people category, anyway. i dont feel i even have to try and insult you...you show your stupidity and more or less insult yourself with each post you continuously put out...." i dont correct people hardly ever"-yet you do it right now and about a couple times a day... If you're going to quote me, at least quote me right. Your misquote shows a level of grammar that would put even an eight-year-old to shame, for one thing. My actual quote was "I rarely correct people". And, I've already established why I'm correcting you, so I won't repeat it. i am proud that you actually connect personally with people on a forum...people you will never meet, people who could fake their personalities....do you know what clubs are or lemme think, bars are? thats where you go and talk to people, using your voice, not your keyboard, and connect with them...i am proud to say that a 15 year old just kicked your ass I'm 17. I can't legally drink at a bar, nor enter clubs. So the "ass-kicking" you're trying is already misguided. Besides, if I wanted to meet people, I would. I'm not here to meet people, I'm here to make games and learn how to make them better. If I "connect" with people around here, so be it; it makes my experience more enjoyable. That doesn't mean I only hang out around here because these people talk to me. If I only wanted to talk to people, I'd just leave BYOND and go talk to my friends. The fact that I make friends whereever I go probably says something about my personality. I haven't seen a whole lot in the way of people defending you around here, you know. Nine times out of ten, anyone who tries to support you is shot down, and your own comments are shot down by the majority of people around here. and any reply to this post would show some more of you correcting people and that would in turn having you be a hypocrite Correction: it would show more of me correcting you. And even if I was being a hypocrite -- though you've yet to establish a valid counter-point -- I'm doing it for all of the right reasons. Face it; not once have you made a valuable contribution to this community. With all due respect, you're just a little piece of gum. You get chewed up and thrown away, but for some odd reason you still want to stick when people step all over you. I don't even think your "burn" comment has anything close to grounding, so I'll just skip that. *smirk on his face and critical eyes look at your posts and wonder why this person ever got outta middle school* I never attended middle school. I attended elementary school, went to a high school, moved, and now am in my final year at this high school. I graduate in just under a month. Then I'm off to get a bachelorate in Computer Science, after which point my career and life have yet to be decided -- having an education ought to open up a few options. Even then, I'm definitely not going to head off to a bar to talk with drunk men and easy women, or to a club to talk with gold-digging women and perverted men. If I had the choice of meeting people anywhere, it would be people I would see in my day-to-day life, and I'd meet them as friends. If I had a need for anything more -- though I intend to wait until I'm in my mid-twenties before I try to find a serious girlfriend -- I'd go café-hopping to meet women; at least people there have class. |
RaeKwon wrote:
Contributation: As you said, i have Contributed to BYOND, yes, in alot more ways then anyone, i made a game to stop the rips, so you people dont whine and complain about all the zeta rips, i stoped that by releaseing my new version, not even a thanks, i admit Sure i released "Another" DBZ game, but it stopped about 50 rips like Genesis didnt it? Yes, it has. Okay, you make on dbz game, it gets ripped, 50 more copies, so you say, hey I'll make another one. 100 more rips, and now your doing it agian? Zeta is from the looks the most Popular DBZ game on BYOND right now, and from the looks it usually has more players then any other game, Warriors of Ryuuza is having alot now to, so don't go telling me you could live with out me.Actually, I could live without you. And DBEO looks to be pretty popular. As for now, ive said enough, just dont be posting back with your 5 year colledge words cause i aint got the time to look them up, damn Lummox, you hit the Loonie bin again. Your just retarded. |