In response to RaeKwon disgust me. ;)

In response to Vortezz
--Regarding to Lexy's post

What if in the future Dan and Tom think its all about the benjamins??(saying that BYOND gets big) *shudder*
In response to Super16
Wouldn't that be the Jeffersons? Dang, I don't have any dimes handy to refresh my memory...
In response to Lesbian Assassin
How can that be true if I donated to that what was that game called o yea Red Cap, it has been so long... About it anyway its got a timing bug:P And about the Jeffersons, I wouldn't know because the only old show I watch is DIfferent Strokes, ** What you talkin bout Lexy:)**
In response to Super16
I mean any actual, physical dimes so I can examine the presidential portrait thereon. The only way you can see the picture on BYONDimes is with an electron microscope.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
The 10% is fine, its that extra 50 DIMES that tacked on that caught me by surprise and I miss read the 1st time I saw that.

In second I'm think way beyond what your scope was covering, I'm think of it as in Business Venture.

Also I might note, Dantom is nothing without us the developers. ;) It is clearly a triangle here at BYOND.
1) Dantom supplys the tools
2) Developers make the games by using those tools
3) Gamers, Customers, Dimes makes the project worth while for multiple reasons.

In response to Lesbian Assassin
Nope, tried that and all it looks liks is some small moving, spherical, objects... kinda like Gerald Ford.. But not Jefferson.
In response to unimatrix
unimatrix wrote:
How can we be so good @ programming yet not good at basic elementary math?

If you learn how to ask the right kind of questions (in this case using programming skills), then you don't need to know math, just:

answer = 50 + (500 * 10%)
print answer

(suitably converted to what ever language you use of course...) :)
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