Im writing this out of pure boredem. I just wanted to know, what does everyone say when they totally mess something up? I usally say "aww crap", or "eep.. that shouldnt have happend.."
(As you can see-- erm read, I am VERY bored :P)
Feb 5 2002, 10:06 pm
Feb 5 2002, 10:26 pm
As soon as such a situation arises, you'll be the first to know what I end up saying.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
aww crap.. Is that bad? :P
-Rcet |
In response to Rcet
My screwed-up phrases are pretty bad. That's why I always say "programmers invented cuss words". I mean I don't see any applicable use for cusswords outside of programming!
Phrases such as: "What the F*** is wrong with this?!" and "Why won't this B**** work?!" But maby it's just me ^_^ |
My cuss words are more subtle like a gentle snowflake on a breeze: Son of a mother F#$^#$^ B1^ch. You know, gentle, very gentle.
In response to Zilal
I use "Doh" too, or "Eep" if it's REALLY bad. :)
In response to Dreq
Actually, inventors invented cuss words.. but they were perfected by auto-mechanics and later honed into a fine art by stand up comedians and late-night programming freaks... I think sailors had some part to play as well...
~X Dern! Dur! Drat! Doh! |
In response to Xooxer
My screw-up phrases are normally things like the following:
Shit Damn it Poop Crap I've done it again... Oh man...there it goes... *sigh* Stupid piece of shit! Theres more but I dont want to put them as I dont want to put everything I say as some tend to go rather abusive hehe. (Yes you could say at times I am weird for saying things to myself or the computer because I screw up but who cares if no one is there to see me do it? I dont hehe) Lee |
In response to Mellifluous
A simple "Crap" for me unless no one is around then I might go a little further...
In response to Stealth 2k
a cuss word or 2 if no one's around along with some pulling of the hair...
if someone's around though, of course... I didn't do it! :) |
In response to Jon Snow
f*cking guy
sh*t piece of sh*t awww sh*t crap doh! mAAAAaaaannnn! what the hell That sucks mob pissed_guy |
Im writing this out of pure boredem. I just wanted to know, what does everyone say when they totally mess something up? I usally say "aww crap", or "eep.. that shouldnt have happend.." Here are a few of my more common utterances, and where they originate: "Mother of mercy!" --Chief Wiggum, The Simpsons "Oh my goodness." --Apu, The Simpsons "Good Lord! (choke)" --Various horrified characters, E.C. Comics "F**k-a-diddle." --Mike the janitor, Creepshow "Ohhhh, they're killin' me here." --One of my co-workers And "D'oh!" too, of course. |
These are some that I use many times a day when I make a mistake or somebody else does...
B'God!* Shoot! Oh my... Stupid! Upon being quite inconvinienced, I might use... What the hell?! Frickin'** shut it all! B'Jesus!* When things get worse, I generally seek a private place to go and yell, my room (with my loud music on) if I am at home, a bathroom if I'm away. I won't tell you just what it is that I yell, but it is always loud and oathful and it feels very good to boil in. -Lord of Water * I am not religeous whatsoever, so I do not feel bad or disgruntled using theological names in my casual speech. ** I don't use "Frickin'", but a more vulgar word that I choose not to post on this forum. |
In response to Mob
Usuially I just bitch on IRC:
<Dreq\MVC> ack stupid window, freaking redraw! It helps more than you know ^_^ |
In response to Dreq
Good old: "GOD DAMN IT" always comes in handy =)
Also, i enjoy to use cuss words from South Park, because they are funny and abusive, all rolled together =) Honzo |
I'll use these words when I'm low to moderatly angry:
-Curses! -The pox on you! -What the?! -darn. I'll use these when I'm moderatly or higher in anger (be warned, this could be ugly): -What in the nine hells?! -Zounds! -Knave! May thy hair fall out and thy teeth all rot; and may thy well-known ugliness be visited upon thy children, and their children, unto the tenth generation! -thou'rt a bastard and a yellow coward! -Poor lad, that thou'rt so addlepated. If thy wit were but a wee bit quicker, thou wouldst mayhap have the sense to stay indoor so as not to inflict thy face on the rest of us. -the f&*%?! and there are other words I use when angry. Also the words insulting others, I use on things like my computer or games when they irritate me |