What exactly is that DUNG thing i see pplz talking about?

Oooh yea, i have a question on the Cerulea message board, so someone please go answer it :)
On 10/19/00 3:51 pm Cinnom wrote:
What exactly is that DUNG thing i see pplz talking about?

Before we moved "BYOND", this software package and everything in it was named DUNG: Dantom's Universal Network Game. But, seeing the pressures of advertising, the word DUNG, though clever and concise, isn't the best way of drawing traffic to the game. I joined in the DUNG 2.0 era, just after the big release of the new imbedded text format. I've been with it ever since, and it has since moved into the BYOND 2.0 (though there never was a BYOND 1.0) era.

Oooh yea, i have a question on the Cerulea message board, so someone please go answer it :)

I shall go have a look-see!
In response to Spuzzum
On 10/19/00 3:59 pm Spuzzum wrote:
I joined in the DUNG 2.0 era, just after the big release

Hee hee. It's funny when you say "DUNG" and "big release" in the same sentence!

I am so easily amused.
In response to Tom H.
I am so easily amused.

Big groan. That was worse than your other one.