Whenever I begin working on my little project I am plagued by my Character's lower half. I can't icon legs. I can draw them although, and I have tried to scan/shrink it but all I get is a huge 32x92(can't make it any smaller without losing important detail) icon. I need to know how to draw good legs on a 32x32 scale. I searched the tutorial and resources section but no luck.

When I try to animate the legs on my usual characters they come out boxy or misshapen which is very hard to animate. Information or tips would be invaluable to my project.
copy and paste the arms onto the legs and then model feet on? or make the legs width equal to the arms
In response to Mastergamerx
If you know the anatomy of the human body you should be able to scale it down in your head and illustrate it.
In response to Zane444
Zane444 wrote:
If you know the anatomy of the human body you should be able to scale it down in your head and illustrate it.

Or do what the regular people do and you know... get a reference.
In response to Zane444
Zane444 wrote:
If you know the anatomy of the human body you should be able to scale it down in your head and illustrate it.

Zane u forget not everyone is a great artist