So, this is a base I made for my dbz game. Details of the game are not necessary, but note it is a dbz game, and the base's look should some what reflect that.

I've had "people" comment and say that the anatomy of the base is off, and that the shading is "wrong". By "wrong" they mean, too many colors. Personally, I don't see what there should be a limit of colors in the palette. Granted, something crazy like 40 would be way to many, but I have around 8 on the skin palette.

So basically, I'm asking for constructive criticism. What's wrong with it? And if you see good aspects, point that out as well, simply so I know what I am doing right, and for others to see how something can be done, and look correctly.
looks sexy to me
In response to MagicBLC13
Way too many colors placed randomly. Try to organize sections you're shading, with less colors.
In response to MagicBLC13
Ocean wants it for his game!
In response to Branks
Yes, Too many colors make it look cluttered. In addition, You need to work on your contrast. Being mindful of your color contrast eliminates the need for so many colors. Your outline is overly dark compared to the next darkest shade, for example.
In response to Pmitch
The outline was done like that on purpose. It's to help give it that dragonball/cartoony look/feel. As far as too many colors, how many colors would you suggest it have?
In response to Aristotl3
4-5 at the most.
In response to Pmitch
Just a little edit. Hope it helps.
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- Decreased the amount of colors and kept the same bulky look.
- Added AA, though it may suck.
In response to Jordan11
Heres my edit, I made the legs thinner and longer legs/smaller waist to fit dbz style, i amde 4 coulrs shading and a trunks mockup.

In response to Tor Crowley
I understand what you guys are getting at about the shading and what not, I'll see about that soon here, probably tomorrow. But as for the edits, I don't really like losing the solid outline, I think that is a key part of my base and game style. And on Tor Crowley's edit the legs look weird :P no offense! But thanks for giving suggestions.

Does everyone like the shape, other than Tor Crowley? No one else spoke about the anatomy or body shape. And how about the color palette? Is it a good tone (with the exception of excessive colors)?
Just so you guys can see what it will kind of look like clothed, here are two variations of the same clothing, a gi and belt, with two different hair styles.

In response to Aristotl3
Aristotl3 wrote:
I understand what you guys are getting at about the shading and what not, I'll see about that soon here, probably tomorrow. But as for the edits, I don't really like losing the solid outline, I think that is a key part of my base and game style. And on Tor Crowley's edit the legs look weird :P no offense! But thanks for giving suggestions.

Does everyone like the shape, other than Tor Crowley? No one else spoke about the anatomy or body shape. And how about the color palette? Is it a good tone (with the exception of excessive colors)?

i saw the base and thought they were too fat lol but when i saw with the clothes on, i think it looks great, really looks like dbz :) and yeah palette is good
In response to Sasuke9109
Thanks man, I'm still going to play around with the shading some, when I get the chance. But really as long as it looks good, aside from the technical standpoint, then I'm pretty satisfied overall.
In response to Aristotl3
Aristotl3 wrote:
Thanks man, I'm still going to play around with the shading some, when I get the chance. But really as long as it looks good, aside from the technical standpoint, then I'm pretty satisfied overall.

Like Pmitch said, reduce the amount of colors used to about 4-5 since the dimensions are around 32x32, and use contrast. The base looks good otherwise.
In response to Doobly-Doo Productions
Here's where you guys are losing me, you mean 4 to 5 total? Or just in the skin palette? I don't see how I can have 4-5 total. There's gotta be at least 4 in the skin, and at least 3 for the pants. Or at least that's how I'm thinking...please explain further!
In response to Aristotl3
For the skin, my apologies. You can get away with using two for the shorts.
In response to Doobly-Doo Productions
I shall try and repost what I have. But that wont be until later, I'm in class ahhh.
Okay, so I reduced the entire base down to 8 colors. I'm not sure that I like it better, none the less, here it is.

I didn't like that there wasn't any form of AA.
I also think you put too much "smooshing" on the lower chest, and didn't really define a constant light-source.
The legs are too chunky, even for Anime.
The color palette was okay, but too much like-colors(colours).
Also, don't define a solid dark outline for clothes that are on people, like the boxer shorts. It really brings the boxers out too much, when the focus should really be on the character. Otherwise, the boxer's will appear to be puffy or too big for them to fit in.

Here's my edit:

In response to Maximus_Alex2003
Thanks man :P but just so u know I did an edit already and the outline is there for a reason, its there to give a "cartoony" feel. However I do like you edit.
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