Hey guys, I haven't really posted anything on here in a WHILE. Anyway, I AM indeed still working on Bleach breeze, and decided to post something I made last night. I haad fun making him, and it also brought up some questions I'll be having in the long run. Anyway, here is the little guy :D ( emphasis on "little" lol):

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Tell me what you think...I personally think the background ruined it :/. But eh...
omg so cute i love it xD
In response to Aeon Games Inc
Lol, thanks. I hope the entire game can look this way when it's done....well better. Hahaha.
In response to ShadowiceTeam
xD is it isometric chibi?
In response to Aeon Games Inc
Naw not exactly. It'll still be normal, just the graphics and mapping will look a bit more in depth, to fit the base. So, not much flatness will be in this game :). You get what I mean?
In response to ShadowiceTeam
Yep yep xD im still a newbie at pixel art tho so im only stuck with flatness and 32x32/64x64 stuff :P
In response to Aeon Games Inc
Haha, I'm not that advanced either! I can only do pixel art because I can do pencil and paper art good. I just got into pixel art, like, 2 years ago to join this group of pixel artist, which they celled it the "BREEZE REVOLUTION". Then I decided to do a game on this website with my friends haha. So, I'm still learning all about BYOND and stuff. My main problem is getting all my art to FIT into the game :o...
In response to ShadowiceTeam
lol i know that problem xD im doing a full screen game with 64x64 stuff soooooo painful to the eyes lol
In response to Aeon Games Inc
Haha, exactly! It becomes an eyesore, and gives me a headache sometimes, but it's worth it to me :).
Its been like over a year since you last posted. :D

Like I said before on your Grimmjow. Very unique and I love it.
In response to ShadowiceTeam
Yea, i absolutely hate doing hud's xD.
In response to Akto
@ Akto, Yeah man, I haven't really noticed that! It really has been a long time then! I've been on BYOND everyday just reading though haha. But I'll be posting some more stuff when I get into college this month. Feels good being back in and posting again though :D.

@Aeon Games Inc, Dude, the thing I've been wating to get into is the HUD! I can't wait to make something beautiful for players to look at, and make an actual "uncomplicated" HUD.

@Both, thanks for the comments too. It really makes me want to make something better than this and put it to shame, lol. I will be updating my grimmjow too! Hey, but um, before I get back to work... Does anyone know any FREE, but DECENT animating programs? I would like to post some animations on here sometime :).
In response to ShadowiceTeam
That photoshop gif program works wonders i dont remember its name but its free if you know where to look *cough* pirate bay *cough*. L:3
In response to Aeon Games Inc
Haha, a LEGAL one?
In response to ShadowiceTeam
Well its like 200 dollars for the legal one or more im not sure, in today's age nothing is "Legal" lol
In response to Aeon Games Inc
Lol, yeah, I guess you're right.
In response to Aeon Games Inc
I believe you can use DM... but I'm not sure if it does animations above 32x32.
In response to Akto
DM does animation for sprites up to 256x256.
In response to Pmitch
Wow, that's free, legal, and I already have it! Haha. Hm, I should certainly ask more about how to use that feature though o.o...
In response to ShadowiceTeam
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