Hey guys i have decided to start working on overlays and started with some basics, a shirt. Anyone mind helping me with Criticals and comments? Image Hosted by
Itīd be better if you post the entire icon.
In response to Jordan11
Right now i am only concentrating on the shirt.
In response to Hyiorinmaru
Hyiorinmaru wrote:
Right now i am only concentrating on the shirt.

Not to sound suspicious but they are a little right.
Posting a part, piece, or bit of an icon wont show comparison compared to the rest of it.
So, shading, detail and whatnot could look good as a separate section, but then once added to the whole icon itself could look funky.
It's a nicely done shirt, but my only problem is the figure of the person itself.
The 'box' look from when the underarms end to the start of the hips.
Should maybe add some more width to the lower/middle chest area.