
Obviously the 3rd one. ^_^;
In response to Revelation Gaming
The shadows don't appear to completely dominate the scene to you?
I really like the shadow's, Great addition IMO!
In response to SuperAntx
I'd go with a more subtle version of 3, minus the black outlines. Its like there's high power stadium lighting just off screen.
In response to AmonR
3rd one.
The third one is my favouritw, it's the most pleasent one to the eye and gives great form to everything. very readable.
In response to Pandora'sSecret
I'd go with the third one but dont make the shadows too dark, it makes it seem like theres a bright light directly there. some shadows could be darker than others too =P
I'd say more of a mix in between 2 and 3, `cos your right about number 3 being dominated by shadows lol
I like the third one. Also, are you trying to make a CSS game? ._.
In response to Young Mafian
I love the third one. It gives the game a cool mood, and with that shadow play it would make the time setting around late afternoon or early morning.

Maybe tone them down a tad, but overall, nice job :)
I prefer the 3rd one too, just decrase transparency a little and it will be perfect ;)
Wow man i need help on a Halo 3 odst game and i found somting that is Talent
I see no one commented on the HeadShot graphic so I will.
The first is slightly more impressive.
The last one is a bit strange.

I liked the shading in the last one, but possibly tone it down 25 Alpha.