What you think of it ? Can anyone improve it ?
Lol Lacking quite a bit of things.
The Hachibi's right horn is broken. The flaps you drew under his arm aren't eve on the Hachibi in the anime or manga. Those flaps should be spikes on the hachibi's elbows(If thats what they were meant to be). And IMO The whole thig should be a thicker. Theres my 2 cents. |
Protip: If you are making something you are not familiar with, please reduced the size of said object, because shading and working with smaller things at start make it look much, much better, and is much,much, easier.
Cybork wrote:
The head should be something like this, I know mine has some hickups I believe, infact I might finish it completely, but you got the rough gist of how to round the face of Hachibi, also like someone said on here. It does look like you copy and pasted a image you found on the net and just painted over the top. http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/6276/hachibicopy.png . for somereason bloody imageshack AND photobucket doesn't want to paste it in the <img src=" crap. http://manga.bleachexile.com/naruto-chapter-413-page-15.html <-- thats my reference for the face so far. I might complete this, since it looks easy to do :D. |
to me it looks quite clear that the hachibi is drawn by hand, at least that's the first thing that comes to my mind when i see it. probably colored on computer though.
the head and the body were completely cut and pasted from the original manga picture and the tentacles were drawing, obviously
the hands are from my pixelated Hachibi that I pixeled but I told Cybork to modifiy it as it is my property more or less. That is why it looks so different in places ;) |
To tell the Truth i would redo everything all over this time Pixel by Pixel if you would have done that from the beginning it wouldn't look like a Abomination no Offense of Course everything is so uneven. But if your gonna just fix that i would say Fix the Head then Fix the Tentacles I'm Serious those are the worse things in this Hachibi the Sticks at the sides should be fix. ~In my Opinion just do it all over~
Do you have a Reference?