I made this wood floor. It looks kinda weird to me.
Wood floor

C&C appreciated.
Looks like bricks.
In response to Jamora1124
I said it looked kinda weird lol
rename it bricks and ill say it pwns lol
In response to Charliegrooms14
True dat(lol)

Though, it's very good for something you made. I'm not too good with Tiles, infact, all of my pretty much look like lines bunched together.
In response to Jamora1124
Okay, first things first, I like how its seemless, so it tiles very well. But the problem your having is with it looking more like rock, instead of wood. This is where your problem lies.

I took your image, put it up top. Then drew a arrow to my example of a wood texture. The secret is to use straight lines, and create a grainy feeling. I didn't use your brightest color, because i had to sort of balance the light and the darks, or it looked odd. Otherwise, all your colors.

Incase i came out blurry, heres a link to a wood tutorial.

Theres a link to a whole lot of tutorials on the front page, just scroll down and check them out :)
In response to Superfetch

Looks more like wood now sorta..C&C please.