This is a small preview of a game made by SuperAntX, I'm the pixel artist for the game right now. I joined since he had been looking for someone for like 3 months now and since I quit my old project I thought I should help him out ^^. The game is looking great, but I wanted to put together a small 4 tiled scene that could happen in-game. Its all used up of icons i've made for the game, hope you likes it and may want you to play this game when it comes out!
What is shows:
Bullet holes in the walls
Destroyed/cracked up walls
Destroyed/cracked up floors with dirt under them
Bullets flying by, and ricocheting of the metal Barrel
An explosive with a bullet hole in it shooting out fire
A wooden crate
And thats about it
C&C is welcome as usual.
(Note: Some stuff shown in-game may change.)
Looks great, id suggest darkening the outline on the crate so it can be more visible. It blends alittle too much with the ground. Some shadows would work too.