I tried to make a tree since i saw criss and Bakasensei make one and plus i know them. I guess im trying to improve my work if i ever got serious about it. Anywho... here it is
[IMG]http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee231/Ray_sims_718/ tree.png[/IMG]
Comments are very welcome
![]() May 26 2008, 2:52 pm (Edited on May 26 2008, 2:58 pm)
![]() May 26 2008, 3:36 pm
One thing I notice right away is, there are no roots. Also, the trunk looks shaded randomly, try to stick to a method, try looking at armon's tuturial for trees. Gives it a very realistic look.
Imo, this is pretty bad, and I'll tell you why, it looks as if you kinda went wild there with your lines. Try to capture the sense of a tree with controlled strokes and lines. If a tree seems too complicated, simplify it, Art -is- symbolism. So you dont have to go all the time and make exact replicas of the things you see, instead you can always just make a symbol of it.
If you ever get tired of working on something, and you feel as if your rushing, stop. YOu'll end up ruining your stuff, just call it a day and work on it some other time. |
XxJUICExX wrote:
One thing I notice right away is, there are no roots.Not all trees have their roots on top of the ground |
Kataharo Tayoko wrote:
If you ever get tired of working on something, and you feel as if your rushing, stop. YOu'll end up ruining your stuff, just call it a day and work on it some other time. ^ Good advice. It seems like you just roughed it out real quick with the pencil, instead of really pixeling it. There's a lot of good tips you can get from the other tree threads going on right now. Read up on em. http://www.byond.com/members/PixelArt/ forum?id=4569&display=1 http://www.byond.com/members/PixelArt/ forum?id=4507&display=1 http://www.byond.com/members/PixelArt/ forum?id=4276&display=1 http://www.byond.com/members/PixelArt/ forum?id=4275&display=1 |
Ok i like completely scraped the old tree and did something different by using one of the thousands of tress outside of my house xD but this is what i got
The one on the left is the original, the one in the middle(with help from Baka) i changes the lightest and darkest shades with a light yellow and dark purple.Then on the last one i gave the second highest shade a slight yellow tint. Finally i know the shading seems weird in a couple of places but want some advice before i do something else :o C&C welcome P.S Howey i tried the html and it didnt work =/ |
It seems incomplete, as if you just scratched the canvas with the pencil tool. Although the shape of it is better, the same problem persist. You need to give it some -pixel- treatment. I think what might help is if you overview the "steps" of making pixel art. Here is a tutorial you might find useful: http://www.natomic.com/hosted/marks/mpat/
I chose this tut because he really gives a good example on -how to start- BUT don't bound yourself to the views of this particular artist, learn from his techniques to build onto your own. |
Im trying to make it better but i just cant get it the way i want. Another problem is im very new to pixel art and i simply need some more experience >.<
Thats fine ^_^ its always hard when you first start off. As I predicted your unfamiliar with some :steps" you can take to finish your art. Just read up on that tutorial, find others on this forums, and keep practicing, you'd do great in no time.
What alot of you are doing to your trees is similar to messiness on a base; Post [link], Post [link]. Like Chaos said, you can't just scribble and hope the texture will come out tree like. They need cleans ups; shape and define what is being created.
It also doesn't make sense for Bakasensai to teach people who are still learning the basics advanced techniques like hue shifting, it's just going to look like a tree with purple. Be sure to take a look at Post [link]. |