Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops

by Zerok Kaiba
Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops
War is a-foot! Heroes, Villains, Akatsuki. Choose your side in this new original Naruto Sidescroller!
I see your point, they honestly do need a heavy nerf. I don't think it's reasonable seeing a rikudo obito spamming AoE while their flying around. Shield needs a CD and so does Int. I don't get why they don't have one. Rikudo Madara needs a highter chakra drain, seeing him spam all kind of tsunami and dragons are annoying, and the fact that he can stack a pushing( idk what its called, it works like Guren Wheel) with his Sand Hail move. Rikudo Needs a chakra,highter energy cost to fly. Cause it is riduculous
alot of "shields" needs a CD doubt anything that needs the nerf will ever obtain the nerf, but im sure if we claim things that are balanced require a nerf it'll happen to them
I'll be making lists of nerfs needed.
If there's anything yu think is too op atm and would like nerfed, feel free to page me to have it added.
So now rikudo needs a nerf what about the money thing, they did pay to be op can u say refund if u nerf?u really should of paid for rikudo's op moves not for rikudo itself,all characters should be free and clear the game grows better.its a thin line between fun and cash this line has broke many games on byond.keep the ten commandments in your hearts and stay aware in battle protect a healer with your life prolog sayings of<explode then implode hit kraken palm rikudo jesus>
rumble figher is dead because they got enough cash from kids and ran off hmmmm will this game do the same,as for nerfs u should know= almighty push need to be subable,sasori poison needs a nerf and u gave him a healing move...........nerf
rikudo flying time needs a nerf and rikudo needs basic hp with op moves and healing so he can be easy to kill but pro in the rite hands also a turn time nerf when he transforms or he need 2 bijuu to turn.all demons are evil!! prolog sayings of <surfing the milkyway dark matter rikudo jesus>
i got something that needs to be added. <-- that skin,
Someone tell me how crap my Computer is.

Gateway M-6816
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T5250 @ 1.50GHz (2 CPU's)
Menory: 2048MB (2gb exactly)
DirectX 11
Mobile HD Integrated 965 Express Chipset
Manufactured in 2007
1920 x 1080 external monitor, 1280 x 800 laptop monitor
358 Video Ram
In response to Supernoodles13
I'l considder making this if you give me an Might Gai dmi
NEM better
i dont even know what nem is
NEM means Naruto : Eternal Memories.
It's an okay game.
Zerok should add Madara Kaguya form.
In response to Altro13
Find us the sprite or make him urself and we can considder it lol cause it aint that easy to make.
In response to Jorra-D
Jorra-D wrote:
Find us the sprite or make him urself and we can considder it lol cause it aint that easy to make.

aww poor lazy people want to get everything handed to them so they can add more pay to play locks with doing shit if anything -_-
Yeah, if you are charging us then you do it yourself.
In response to Dwice
Dwice wrote:
Jorra-D wrote:
Find us the sprite or make him urself and we can considder it lol cause it aint that easy to make.

aww poor lazy people want to get everything handed to them so they can add more pay to play locks with doing shit if anything -_-

Are yu retarded lol? They need a sprite sheet available to make ANY character. Why suggest a character when yu can't find a spritesheet, and have nothing to offer. All characters added are found and sprited by Jorra/Moh/few others. No need to be an ass to them, they benefit in no way from doing this.
In response to RedRamii
RedRamii wrote:
Are yu retarded lol? They need a sprite sheet available to make ANY character. Why suggest a character when yu can't find a spritesheet, and have nothing to offer. All characters added are found and sprited by Jorra/Moh/few others. No need to be an ass to them, they benefit in no way from doing this.

why? why not? it doesn't change the truth -_-
So I tried to come back and play COSAB. Got some instant haters 'cause as well all know, games like this change people for the worse (Dwice probably being one of them lol). That and some people either can't play the game well enough without the use of certain characters (not naming which ones 'cause it should be very obvious), or just like to make players quit out of sheer spite. If you want people to stay, make the environment we play in more friendly, please.
yay my name.. im famous!
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