Been looking at tutorials, got a model to work with now I am ready to work and this what I've got out of it!

This base is at use for project currently working on

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Looks pretty legit.good luck.
remove the fat pixels and youll be good . One complaint though in the Back Frame the positioning of pixels on the fingers look odd , other then that good job.
A2J2TIWARI wrote:
I dont think this belongs to you.. I am working with the same guy snd he said his programmer had made it. And from all things I have seen from you sorry but I dont believe that you made this base...

But I have to say that this is tbe best base I have ever seen! The anatomy and perspective are superb! I do love it!

Hey Wari, I'm ETHOS' programmer and I can confirm Travy made this base. I just helped with small edits. He has been studying 3D models and really started taking art seriously. I was surprised at the level he has pushed himself, we've been partners for about a year now and every art piece has been progressively better but I think this one takes the cake, I also think is one of the best bases I've seen.
Agreed,pretty realistic looking base.
best base ive ever seen , lets see how the animations come along though
This is good, but not great. Some of the pixels band at the knee caps facing South, East and West. I also feel like this is way too large a base for a 2D-game. Just imagine the level of pixeling you'll need for a tree.

In response to Soundz
Sir I know what I've signed up for, I challenge myself every time to get better.
In response to Soundz
Really really big trees.
the most massive and detailed Trees will ever see in a byond game I cant wait :O
In response to Travylleb
I'm sure you know, but I doubt you've ever experienced it. Bigger does not necessarily mean better. Regardless, big ups to the peace, it looks nice. Don't take anything I said to heart, just critiquing.

P.S. I would strongly advise perfecting a smaller base, while expanding on your pixel knowledge (learning turf techniques, mob techniques, lighting/shading techniques). Then move up from there so you don't have a difficult time with turfs/obj and the such of such a massive size.

Good luck.
end their oak :D
I actually want Travy to keep up with the big art. I would like to see games with big art be released, even if they take awhile to get pushed.
Thanks man, appreciate it :D
I think it looks great dude >.< obviously any imperfections that people mention can be edited over time so no need to be too picky. Also about people thinking it will be too large, I think as long as your willing to commit and put the effort in it could be awesome! Dont be scared to take a risk xD
This is derp
In response to Xyberman
Xyberman wrote:
This is derp

And to add... have fun animating this.
trust me I will >:)
Well it was animated, but I don't think by Trav. Unless he sold it, bought it, or it was ripped.
fun fact, i was asked to edit it, and this was my outcome, sadly it wasn't accepted .-.

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