Just bought a new VST and I've been playing around with it for a few hours. Here's the first, structured thing I've done. It has a nice, intense feel to it, I think.
I may take commissions in the near future, once I really fine tune my understanding of the library and orchestral arrangement, so if you're interested in it, just shoot me a message.
EDIT: Finally finished the piece and updated the link.
In response to Toddab503
It's actually in the same key as the Pirates of the Caribbean main theme along with the quick string progression, so that's why, Lol.
In response to Solomn Architect
Oh wow, I almost mentioned the Pirates of the Caribbean movies as an example, haha. I'm glad I am not crazy for thinking of that. Must be a good program to be able to generate something like that though.
In response to Toddab503
The Digital Audio Workstation I'm using is Ableton Live. I purchased a hefty plug-in called Symphonic Orchestra for it, so I plan on putting it to good use. And believe it or not, it's actually very light on my CPU when working with it and I don't even have a super-great computer.
Just made another touch-up to it. Added some cymbal rolls and removed the brass and cello's at the end, giving it a dead-stop feel at the bass drum hit.
This is really nice, though I'd argue the tympani at the end needs a large bass hit followed by a more obvious cymbal crash, rather than just a roll.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
This is really nice, though I'd argue the tympani at the end needs a large bass hit followed by a more obvious cymbal crash, rather than just a roll. I agree, the cymbal roll at the end carried through the last hit a bit and kinda muddied it up, so I just cut the tail end off of it and gave the end a nice dead stop. I didn't want to go with a crash because, to me, that would just kill the dramatic mood. The cellos, Trombones and Timpani are what really send that home and too much cymbal just seems to cloud it. Just edited it again. ;) Gave each instrument a lot more depth and character as well as letting the brass really scream during the crescendos and gave every instrument a nice, hard motion to their staccato at every key note. You can especially hear it in the lead violins. |
EDIT: Just finished the arrangement! Everyone should listen to the end result of my night's work. Lol
Wow. Really love that final version. Well done. If I had the right project ready, with a good budget I'd definitely be looking to hire you; so I hope others feel the same and good luck with that other thread of yours!
In response to Toddab503
Toddab503 wrote:
Wow. Really love that final version. Well done. If I had the right project ready, with a good budget I'd definitely be looking to hire you; so I hope others feel the same and good luck with that other thread of yours! Haha, thanks! It's always nice to hear that someone likes your work. :) |
Yut Put wrote:
it was pretty good, but you could try making parts outside the main theme read a little more clearly. the strings blend into eachother a little too much at certain chord changes, which can be distracting because it loses the "pattern" feel Thanks for the advice. I still learning a lot about arranging orchestrations. This piece was mostly touch-and-go and I didn't use nearly as many tracks as I likely should have, only having a couple strings and brass for each. I plan on writing all sorts of styles; it's just good practice to diversify. The inspiration for this was actually during a D&D game. Lol. I'd just finished downloading it and we needed some battle music. |
That's just me personally, though. Intense feel is a fitting description either way.