![]() Feb 1 2012, 4:19 pm (Edited on Feb 1 2012, 4:55 pm)
SAx, you basically just agreed with me. It's not its graphics that draw people in, it's the fact that it's fun to play. That's why I don't understand why people stress so much over artwork as opposed to focusing on making a great game. People will play a fun game no matter what it looks like, but no one will play a boring game even if it has awesome graphics. Look at that recent Duke Nukem - most of the reviews I've seen say it's crap, but it looks awesome as far as graphics go.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
SAx, you basically just agreed with me. Not quite, I was more or less referring to the technical limitations BYOND has. Minecraft is a one in a million indie game which hit the jackpot in terms of gameplay, art style, distribution, and timing. It's a completely original game and anyone with a computer can play it instantly. No indie developer is going to be able to reproduce that level of success anytime soon, the next big hit will be something completely unlike Minecraft. NEStalgia is very much like our own personal Minecraft success story here on BYOND. It is a winning combination of game design and artwork, it seems as if BYOND was tailor-made just to produce this one single game. It fills its niche so perfectly and there are no comparable alternatives elsewhere. I don't think anyone will be able to reproduce that level of success anytime soon, and if they do it's not going to be with another 8-bit MMORPG. |
You guys are all dead shady from an investment point of view as it is anyway, because you are indie. You drop stuff because it's your spare time and you invest that as you feel like, chop and change a lot etc and usually ask for investment too early to start with.
Better to just plod along with your thing, and show it off a bit when you are happy with it's progress and want some more eyes on it. |
I still dont like Minecrack
try playing A.P.B... its a fun GTA style online game thats free to play |
1) There is no proper introductory material easily available. When you go to Byond.com it says "Create" or "Play" if you hit "Create" it just links you to the byond forums. What the eff is that gonna do?
2) Byond is trying to force developers down too narrow of a path with their game creation I think, instead of letting natural selection run it's course in deciding which games get popular. How it used to be. Community freedom is important to success. |
Lizard_Sphere_X wrote:
2) Byond is trying to force developers down too narrow of a path with their game creation I think, instead of letting natural selection run it's course in deciding which games get popular. How it used to be. ...what? I seriously don't get what you're saying here unless it's some roundabout "Byond won't list DBZ games" |
I'm pretty sure that's what he's getting at.
Yes, BYOND should let the ripped fan-games run their course and lead to the shutdown of the entire site. Why couldn't anyone else think of this brilliant idea? |
I was aiming to begin Alpha testing for Prism at the beginning of this month, but I'm a little bit behind schedule. I've been going through and recreating a lot of the HUD to work with the new Flash client. I also had some unforeseen problems come up with my 3d modeler which required me to make some last minute decisions and change rendering programs. It kind of sucks, but I learned a lot in the process and, ultimately, I have a better/faster rendering method now.
Lizard_Sphere_X wrote:
1) There is no proper introductory material easily available. When you go to Byond.com it says "Create" or "Play" if you hit "Create" it just links you to the byond forums. What the eff is that gonna do?Yeah i'm not too keen on Byond getting shut down Lizard. :( Thank you for mentioning me Orange, I am trying my best :) and yes i am in the lowest tier of Byonds designers/programmers/pixel artists, I'm.. quite bad. People on my level need a lot more straight forward Guidance. I Would like an easy place to search for pieces of code that i could use, learn from, alter and hopefully improve. Anyway i'm just making excuses because i'm a terrible programmer, i think i learn better from experimenting and altering rather than from reading, as such Falacys Tutorials, They seemed a lot more helpful than long over the top, detailed guides for a beginner. |
I think Teka is right, a massive guide is not something the beginner developer wants to sit and read. BYOND needs to include some sort of play through coding tutorial, It's sort of biased against welcoming people who don't know what they're doing and I don't think it's intentional, it's that the people that wrote the guides know what they are doing and so sometimes forget the audience they are writing for.
Also if you like you can add Faymoor to the list it's nowhere near finished but the skeleton is definitely starting to flesh out. |
Yeah exactly and since Tom's mentioned Byond was aimed at being able to make Rpg games in particular.
I would like a Create a Game with Byond tutorial. Step 1: lets build a world Step 2: Lets sort out communication Step 3: Lets create items and objects that can be used and manipulated. Step 4: Lets establish the Fundamental Damage, Combat, Death Step5:.. and so on :( Yes this would kind of be making a game for them, but it would show a great possibility of what they can do and start them off easy. |
Teka123 wrote:
I would like a Create a Game with Byond tutorial. That's pretty much what my tutorial was, just need to finish it. |
Falacy wrote:
Teka123 wrote: So do you all think that Tom and Lummox JR should take the time to create some mainstream guides that teach you the basics, and how to make certain genre games? |
OrangeWeapons wrote:
So do you all think that Tom and Lummox JR should take the time to create some mainstream guides that teach you the basics, and how to make certain genre games? Based on how bad BYOND's official guide is? Not so much. Their guide is barely any better than just reading through every reference entry. It might actually be worse... If they want to help people learn the language, then that's where they should spend their time (improving the reference). |
OrangeWeapons wrote:
So do you all think that Tom and Lummox JR should take the time to create some mainstream guides that teach you the basics, and how to make certain genre games? Well i think they are pretty occupied as is, Developers could contribute if they could find the incentive to do so. Falacy's was on the right track, he just gave up half way before finishing it. If byond could include something of that type for new developers to find i think it'd be brilliant. |
It's definitely better to let the community devise these type of tutorials. They tend to have a better grasp of the functional side of the language, whereas Tom only knows how things might work -- but not how they work in use. Lummox is pretty adept with DM, but far too busy to take the time to make a tutorial of any kind of depth.
The thing is, what do we as community members get out of putting our time into making tutorials like this? It would have to be out of the good of their hearts. That is, unless Tom or Lummox JR were to offer a free year of membership for a set of quality tutorials.
A year's membership isn't worth much. Monetarily its only like $25.00, feature wise it provides even less. For how many hours it would take to write a nice tutorial series, you'd be better off just doing it out of the goodness of your heart =P
Tutorials are always out of the goodness of your heart, it's that way in every programming community I'm a part of. That's how it's always been on BYOND and we do have quite a lot of tutorials to choose from because of it.
BYONDscape used to cover the incentive thing pretty well though, people would subscribe to BYONDscape to view articles, tutorials, and demos/libraries. At the end of the quarter the funds earned by BYONDscape would be divided up amongst the people who submitted content. Shared would be divided based on what you submitted, demos and libraries would be 1 full share, and text articles would be a half share. Unfortunately it never brought in enough profit to sustain itself and pay the authors and had to shut down. |
OrangeWeapons wrote:
Is this a lazy community, or a confused one? I can't seem to find more than a few games that interest me. I started playing BYOND about 5 years back. I was really into the anime scene, but that died out quick as many of the game's creators have seemed to lose interest or slow on the development scene. I agree with you byond has too many incomplete projects people tend to say they want to make a game and before they have even reached the half-way marker they quit or are just too dam lazy to finish it off. Say tuned for my game Grenze District once I start something its just natural for me to finish it^ believe it ;) |