Almost done with new interface. Here's a sneakpeak
Weapons: 24
Semi-Automatic Pistols: 5
Beretta 92
Glock 17
M1911 Colt
Mark XIX Desert Eagle
Colt Anaconda - Coming Soon!
Assault Rifles: 5
M16A2 - Coming Soon!
SA80 - Coming Soon!
OC-14 Groza - Coming Soon!
M14 - Coming Soon!
Sub Machine Guns: 4
P90 - Coming Soon!
MP5A3 - Coming Soon!
Uzi - Coming Soon!
Tec-9 - Coming Soon!
Shotguns: 1
M4 Super 90 - Coming Soon!
Sniper Rifles: 2
Dragunov SVD - Coming Soon!
Turrets: 1
M60E3 Turret
Grenades: 4
M67 Grenade - A grenade that destroys it's target with a burst of flying sharpnel.
Incendiary Grenade - A grenade that is filled with fire, it causes the enemies to combust.
HE Grenade - A grenade that consist of a compound known as, "nitroglycerin".
Smoke Grenade - A grenade that causes enemy's to lose their current target.
Mines: 2
Pressure Mine - A mine that explodes upon impact.
Proximity Mine - A mine that explodes when an enemy is near it.