Dragonball GT: Rebirth Unleashed.
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Dragonball GT Rebirth Unleashed |
Rebirth of DragonballGT |
![]() May 21 2014, 11:11 am
The server problem is beginning to solve itself. Please be patient if my server will go down. It is not stable at all. Sometime this weekend there will be a new reliable server. But for now, you gotta work with me.
Scheduled Events for the rest of the year:
AT 4:00 PM EST, AFK checks will be off and the afk checks will not occur due to it being the events hour period that will begin to prepare with. This gives our players the time they need to get whatever they need done, and be ready to the packed events to begin. If you are AFK at this time, it sucks for you that you will not participate in the events when they begin. AT 6:00 PM EST, There will be the budokai event. Not specified which kind of budokai, the kind of budokai will be choiced by majority. This will be preformed quickly as possible to sustain time for the CTF event that is an hour away. need I remind you that if the events are not exactly timed, it will not be able to work, (Example: Budokai ends at 7:45, leaves no time for CTF) At precisely 7:00 PM EST, There will be the capture the flag event. This means that it's always gonna be hosted at that time. No exceptions will be made if missed due to inactivity of your well-being. It will simply just not be hosted if there aren't more than 6 players. At approximatly 8:45, The Survival event will start. It will be the last event of the series of event that has happened beforehand. and will be a short one that has been favorited by many. THE AFK CHECKS WILL BEGIN RIGHT AFTER SURVIVAL. THE AFK CHECKS WILL BE ON UNTIL 10:00 PM EST. THEY WILL BE OFF AFTER. IF THERE ARE ANY AFK CHECKS DURING THAT PERIOD OF TIME WHEN THEY ARE OFF, PLEASE BE AWARE OF THAT AND CHECK REGULARLY. WE PLAN TO KEEP IT OFF AND NOT RUIN YOU GUYS TRAINING. Now for the holidays, many holidays are subjected to have a gift or surprise of some sort, these are special events. Special events are what they are gonna be recalled to as they will feature events that are not really done actively. At midnight, I'll join in and see if anyone is active and we can preform a gambling house event. Maybe in the morning and everyone is live and awake we can do a fun event like Freeze Tag or even a Maze. these events will be a surprise for their prizes and those surprises are worth winning for. Holidays such as christmas and some sort will have a festivity for it and will have a scavenger hunt for them. These are meant to stay that way. We want this game to be on a scheduled note so the game will be expected to be active at certain times of the day. We will try our best to encourage players to be participating into this game and make it bigger than it already is. As it is still growing please note that each wipe will have a 5 day grace period where no events are hosted and are all training for all players. We will try to make sure AFK check is off at most start of wipes. Have a great stay at DBGTRU. (YOU CAN READ ALL THIS AGAIN IN THE FORUMS.) |
Whenever all of us are willing to get out of our social and outside life to work on this game.
Im back. Soo as you said Unickk this game will be down until you can work on it. So why don't you have somebody host a server while you guys do whatever it is.
hmm... wassap ppl been awhile lol, was wondering why not run the game just for arena fight or tournament fight without having to grind for levels, tp etc, everything just goes to a certain limit on levels instantly so players are prepared for the fights.. should enjoy the features of arena and such let it not go to waste haha...
Yancewell :D |
The Game will be back shortly only on new hub unfortunately. I still give credit to everybody who helped the game, I am nothing special, just trying to bring back a game. Im not a owner or anything.
Hub: http://www.byond.com/games/Jameswagnac123/JamesGameDBZ Invite people to the hub and make sure you fan it. I will try and have it up today or tomorrow. Depending on how fast I can find a good host. |
Want to play again? Come check this one out and host your own server if wanted too! http://www.byond.com/games/ImSilli/RebirthUnleashed
http://www.byond.com/games/ImSilli/RebirthUnleashed Its actually back..Join rebirth!
Hello everyone!
there was this game i used to play ALOT it's called dbz Rebirth unleashed. Sadly the servers have gone down :( i miss the songs that were playing o nthat game, so my question is: If anyone has these tunes or songs PLEASE CONTACT ME!!! it would mean the world to me!!! Thank you kindly! Greetings Niels :) |