1. Do not Spam.
2. Do not SZ Kill. Boot
3. Do not kill Noobs.(Recommendation for Noobs is to stay the SZ)
4. Do not ask for Staff Rank. Boot then Ban
5. No Advertisement. Ban
6. Do not complain if you got killed. Its part of the game.
7. Do not abuse Glitches. Boot, Ban, Erase File.
8. Respect Everyone.
9. No Swearing or Racial Slurs. Mute and Ban.
10. You may Challenge your Leader once every 24 Hours. 3 Challenges Per day(Unless they say other wise.)
11. Do not tell Secrets. It might get Changed to even higher reqs.
GM Rules:
1. Follow All the Player Rules.
2. Do not abuse your powers.
3. Do not punish someone without permission from Owner or anyone else higher than your rank.(Unless you are an Admin)
4. Do not ignore someone's cry for help.
5. Do not Argue with Other Staff members.
Race Leaders Reqs: Be the Strongest of your Race, 1000 Levels, and Approval from Owner.







Half Saiyans
