Alright, I'm just going to lay it out...
I'm trying to create a BYOND game based off of my Fantasy - Adventure book... This game... However, will be custom, to the extent..That I am starting it from scratch...
The book title is Argathea, although it has a sub-title as I will be releasing the first to be called - Argathea : The Trials of St. Allessia...
My game Will follow -STRICT- Roleplaying Guidelines, basically you have to roleplay your attacks, and important movemets... ETC. A guide for this will soon be made when the game has a basic beta stage.
My Ideas to the game are here as follows...
* Character customization to HIGH extents, your character, no matter race, can customize in whatever ability the game may offer, based on race, ofcourse. As for Humans cannot use magic, therefore removing the whole mage thing. But Elves, and a majority of races can. The game will guide you on the basics of the race, and what it tends to profess in/at, but you can always switch that around and try your luck at something unique, and possibly more powerful. There will be basic races, advanced races, expert races, and rare races. Basic, advanced, and Expert should all be recognizable as in the races that are easiest-hardest to use. Rare races, are a whole new aspect. Which will be explained later. Let's get the basic layout first.
*A fully customized Training System, combat system and learning system. Basically... Training will consist of Sparring... And, Shadow sparring.. Allow me to explain.
In order to raise, Health, Strength, and Defense/Endurance... A persons character must Spar with another persons character, that will get them, hurt, or knocked out. Sparring however will hurt as I said but, a player may have the option of killing you, or letting you live(K.O). ((I may change this to a 'Finish Verb rather a pop-up.))
^^^^^ The most probable and best way to train in the game.
- The shadow sparring is when you attack the air.((Just an idea, it may not happen.))
- There is also fighting Dummies, now the dummies may seem cheap at first and an easy ay to train and get your skills up to become Godly. If you're thinking that, you're wrong. Yes, it wil lgive a training edge, but it wont make you Godly. As for the Dummies have a certain amount of health. If hit too much, they break, and you have to have a player who excells in engineering, blacksmithing, or something to fix it. Or you can wait a while((Probably 10 - 15 minutes)) And let it repair itself. Now, if your character has a really powerful ability with the sword, and speed, and strength. Then the Dummy could be destroyed in one shot. Therefore removing any easy way to become powerful. And even if you EZ this, you'll look like an idiot because you wasted electricity, on gaining barely anything. For now that concludes that.
- These are probably all or only of the most effective ways to train...Other than fighting monsters, but monsters die.
- When attacking someone... It depends on Strength, Stamina, and your ability to use the Sword... When starting out.. An ability with the sword is Level 1.((Players cannot see levels however, unless An asessment occurs by an Admin.)) This can be risen as the user, Trains using the Verb - Attack, on a person or monster, or dummy. The first attack, will however drain their Stamina completely, as they are only Level 1... an Experince mod which will variate from 20 - 90. Will tell whether they level up or not... If they do however gain a level using the sword... Their drain will take them down to 5% stamina, 10% stamina, or 15% stamina. So, firther concluding.. If a user train attack, and rests repeaditly, Sparring, and fighting will last longer.
-Now, Magic is a BIG aspect to my game... As in, it has to be learned... Allow me to explain... First off, magic is based on your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Mana ability. Those are the General aspects to it... In order to learn a magic spell, you must learn it by watching someone, Meditating, or Somehow beginning with it. If, you learn a magic ability, it will most likely take all of your Mana, unless you have a high ability with Mana, or are a specific race that is well with Mana.. To continue.. When you do learn a spell, you are horrible with it, and are pathetic at aiming it.. So, you must train it, this is however, similair to training with the sword... You must use it continueosly, to increase your Mana ability, the spell power, and accuracy.. Aswell, as the Mana costs will decrease over time... Different items can however improve your ability with magic.. But those are secrets fo the Game.
- Archery, is practically like Magic. It is governed by Dexterity, and Accuracy, aswell as Stamina... In order to use Archery, you need a Bow, and Quiver of arrows. First off, your accuracy again is horrible with the bow and arrow, but don't worry. That is buildable, you must first equip the bow and arrows, you then use them with a Fire - Verb, but to begin, you must 'Load' the arrow then 'Fire' it. This decreases Stamina, and helps increase accuracy. Again, Archers can be one of the most powerful and dangerous of enemies.. If used correctly, they can make the deadliest of shots with precise aiming. Thier abilites do not waste as much stamina, the first arrow would probably dcrease 25 - 50% Stamina. The more arrows you fire, the less it decreases.( Maybe to an insane amount of 0.1 Stamina.)
That was a basics to Combat and Training....
---- Races ----
Elei - The Elei race was the first race of Humanoid, and of Intelligence. This race, is Immortal in age, Perfect looks, Magic-able, Intelligent, and Very good at Combat. Being the first, they had learnt many secrets amongst Argathea... Although, Darkness had it's twists.. The Elei had a Rebellion, Rebels(( Barbarians )) And the Civilalized. The Rebels, had gone against the laws, and practised 'Dark Magic'. They began to do things such as fusing with other Races - And animals... They had fused with Wolves(( Making Were-Wolves )), they fused with Leopards, cows.. Monkeys... ETC. Then ,they had their final... The Dragon, which made the Rare Wyvern...((( Players will be asked if they want to play as Wyverns. )))
Alamarian(s) - These creatures, like the Elei are one of the first ever to be life on Argathea, they however, are not immortal, but can live up to around 300 years in age, they also live underwater, and not on land.. They are fish-amphibians, they are horrid with hand-to-hand melee or any melee, but are powerful with magic. They have scaly skin, and widened eyes. They do have tails as well,but some are born without, and prefer warm climates. THis race, also is one of the most intelligent, they have special abilities which allow them to speak with their minds (( Telepathy )). And they can read the minds of others. They are highly advanced in technology, giving them a living-edge. This race, is secretive to what they do, and have open, and friendly personalities.
Dwarves/Dwarf - Dwarves in Argathea HATE Magic and are horrible with it, as in they just don’t use it, even if they could. They prefer to go one-on-one battles and use Melee, they are great with Artillery and very high in technology standards. They are short, and stubby, and tend to have beards. Dwarven woman are hard to come by rather than men. Dwarves are said to just randomly pop-up from the ground to be born, although that is false, just the women are away. Dwarves specialize in crafting, blacksmithing, and using axes or hammers. They also create perfect siege weapons and weapons to defend themselves in the mountains.
Human - Humans, are just like you and I, set into a fantasy world. The only difference, is they don't have technology advanced like us, more of a medieval thing. They -cannot- use magic like most or other races, but they do have a really well magic resistance, so they could stand against te races that do use magic for most things. Also, Humans are the fastest race in the game, if built properly their speed can get them to there enemy before the enemy casts a strong enough spell, and it will cancel the spell, due to being forced to prevent themselves from being cut into half.
![]() Jul 29 2007, 10:00 pm