| This is War. No kids allowed.
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| New Conflict Trailer A mistake I had in the past was getting a huge community, but not keeping in …
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| To anyone that reads this, I dont want you to play my game. I want you to watch its success. I have been told for years …
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| Why play any other game compared to this one?
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| For those that don't know, although the game isnt out. Players are building the prologue for the game. In that we do …
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| To start off the year, we did a cleanse of the discord, taking the numbers from 160+ to 83 2 week period of building …
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| I was really looking forward to the announcement of updates, and seeing mine amongst the many creative works on byond …
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| Whew! It has been a while hasnt it? In reality there has been tons of updates in terms of quality of life and fixes …
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| My goal and vision to become a highly populated game on byond, as well as best ss13 in player count failed. My ego and …
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| Just throwing a update here on the hub, but if you want to keep up with the game's progress the discord is the best …
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| Theres about 3-4 other things I wan to get put out there, but want more artist / progression about them to really make …
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| Technically, all this is old news, if you want to keep up with whats recent, please follow the discord: …
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| So I don't really post updates for my game. But this part I've gotten an artist of mine to make , is just too cool. the …
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| Ello ladies and gentlemen. Just a brief update on the progress of 'Conflict'. I thought the last PVP trailer was enough …
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| Rod, your the only that I've seen making changes to these game adding in new things,clans and different skills and …
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| Alot of your other byond games, you just gatta step your game up. I mean you guys are really disappointing me with your …
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| PVP trailer- https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=RDIc9LCyviQ&feature=youtu. be So Byond's gangsta is still on the road of …
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