Rinaldo's proc's

by Rinaldo
This library contains new procs like: islist() - lennum() - and alot more!!!
This library contains the following procs:

-> copynum()
-> cutnum()
-> cuttext()
-> insertnum()
-> inserttext()
-> islist()
-> isnumlist()
-> istextlist()
-> lennum()
-> list2num()
-> list2numlist()
-> list2text()
-> list2textlist()
-> num2list()
-> randnum()
-> Random()
-> randtext()
-> Refresh()
-> Replace()
-> replacenum()
-> replacetext()
-> Reverse()
-> reversenum()
-> reversetext()
-> swapnum()
-> swaptext()
-> text2list()

Total: 27 procs