Updated as of: 9/29/2019
Estimated Release Date: 10/24/2019
Looking for a colorful and awesome Hub? TOO BAD! You can wait till release. =p
Feel you want to join the NSUB staff? Apply at our forum!
Mapper: Razgriz
Gfx Artist:
Owner: Razgriz
Co-Owner: (Looking for respectable person for this position, and major possibility for host/iconner.)
Head GA:
GM's are temps for when no other Admins are online, and will not be listed unless promoted to GA.
GA's are Game Admins. They command the GM's, and enforce the rules of the game.
SA's are Server Admins. They have the power to give/take GM. On top of enforcing the rules, they deal with the ranks of Kage and/or Org Leader. Also have the ability to fix stats and manually summon the demons for sealing.
Owner/Co-Owner are just that, OWNERS! They can do as they please, as long as they do their job, which is making sure the Admin's are doing theirs.
Map has Writing on it of Village names for testing purposes. Will be removed after first update after release.
To apply for a position (Preferably Iconner), email me at [email protected]
Rules will be listed after release