| There are players who've asked me for technical specifications about the game; how things are calculated, battle …
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| Collect Pokemon and level them up while conquering challenging dungeons and survival challenges. 200+ Pokemon available!
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| Updated v1.80.143 has been released. If you've already downloaded PBF please update it through the BYOND pager. Update …
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| PBF 3.44.100 is now available for downloading. However, players might be experiencing an issue where the BYOND pager …
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| Hello, I understand there is an issue where players are unable to update the game because the "Update" prompt is not …
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| -- I'm just gonna paste this message that was posted by Jon (General Manager) on PBF's Discord: -Quote:- Apologies for …
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| Finally solved the mystery of the "Download Failed" issue when downloading/updating PBF through the pager. After …
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| We're removing files from hub page and PBF main server, but we're blocking hosting too, at least for a short time until …
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| After rigorous testing, we were able to make this work. There were two data leaks; one for when players log out while …
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| We had to fix a bug in which players were getting stuck at Training Forest. Thanks for the wait and we apologize for …
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| Pbf will not be available to be hosted until later this week. Sorry!
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| Yes, there's a new huge update coming up, finally. T3r4byte (Tera) is the one working on the update on her own. Right …
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| Of course there will always be glitches! But for all intents and purposes, PBF is now being hosted 24/7! And there's …
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| But I found it while wandering around on Byond, and so far its lookin pretty good. I can convince a few friends to play …
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| I've been told to make a suggestion thread... so here it is! Post your suggestions for Pokemon BlueFire! We are …
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| I am one of the developers for the game. Scar will be away for a while and i have the update files with me and i was …
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| The games been down all morning :/. Not sure if any body knew or not. I miss the only decent game actively hosted on …
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| Pokemon BlureFire is hiring Admins, please follow the layout provided if interested: (Layout:) Key: IGN: Reason for …
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