A new air gear game!! built entirely from scratch!!!!!!
Needed positions:(o= owner verbs) (a= admin verbs) (m = lvl 3 mod verbs)
(o)2 Coders (need to be able to code in special stuff need a code snippet to be hired)
(a)2-3 Iconners (portfolio required)
(m)1 Gfx artist (small sample required)
(o)host (24/7)
No Cussing
Respect Gms
Respect Other players
DO NOT ask for Any kind of authority.. You must apply for it on the forums...
no advertising!
1) Verbal warning
2) Muting
3) Jailing
4) 1 hour ban
5) Perm. Ban
These are very flexible.. if you spam 5 times after each consequence... you are probably dumb and deserve a ban
Gm Rules:
Respect players, your just a player with
abilities, they can and will be taken
do your job!
don't spam announce
Gm's will be a part of Kogarasumaru

for any rights/privileges, or to join a team, you must be on the forum!
have fun!