Ladder(lad-er)-1.a metal or wooden set of portable, retracting stairs made out of two long brace poles and several rungs spaced approx. 10" apart placed consistently along the braces. Used for reaching rooftops or ledges above staircase.
Literal(Lid-er-al) use a word in it's main meaning, instead of using it in its meaning as a brand name or slang.
As you can see, Latteral is the perfect name for this game, because you are LITERALY climbing on LADDERS. Strange, isn't it? How two words like that can cross paths and look like a real word in a dictionary?
However, the game is even more strange than its name. The object of the game is to reach the goal star by moving arond walls you can't even see. Not challenging enough? Try getting teleported back to the start whenever you hit a wall in the bonus level. Yes, the gamer's nightmare, getting sent to the start.
1.Invisibe walls
2.Ladder cursor
3.Tutorial Level(incomplete)
4.Main menu
5.Retry screen for when you win and want to retry a level
6.Bonus level(also incomplete)
7.Instruction verbs(will soon be combined with the tutorial level)
1.Advanced tutorial to replace the current one
2.Finished bonus level
3.Password saving(the kind where you recieve a pre-programmed password to return to that level and enter it in when you log back into LATTERAL)
4.Actually, that was pretty much it.
When you see LATTERAL marked as polished, I will still take suggestions, it's just that I've run out of ideas. All suggestions will be taken in, although sarcastic suggestions, along with suggestions that include curse words and otherwise will most likely get you banned from the game.
![]() May 7 2006, 10:00 pm